Black Aura - Micro Center Build
Black Aura - Micro Center Build Main purpose for gaming, web browsing, and school work. I play majority FPS games such as COD, Battlefield, Siege etc... and also a handful of other triple A titles such as CP2077, red dead redemption 2, GTA, and other graphics demanded games. I changed Read the full story here
Finally Caught Up!!
Ever since March my build has been lacking one last thing: https://www.microcenter.com/buildpost/7153/sign-of-the-times-microcentermadness Finally got through on AMDDirect for a 6800 XT and completed the system! It's been a loooooong wait!!
Rainbow Bonsai #Bitwit - Micro Center Build
Rainbow Bonsai #Bitwit - Micro Center BuildI built this setup to more comfortably game and work for long hours at a time. Before, I was gaming on a 60 hz TV which had horrible input lag and was super limiting. Now that I have a 1440p 144hz monitor, I can really take advantage of that true PC Read the full story here
Chrome Dome #bitwit - Micro Center Build
Chrome Dome #bitwit - Micro Center Build3 years and 4 iterations later (as seen in the last few photos). I don't plan on changing anything for a while after this. I chose this case because I liked the unique layout and I knew the watercooling obsession would eventually lead to hardline tubing. Read the full story here
The Me-Time Machine - #Bitwit - Micro Center Build
The Me-Time Machine - #Bitwit - Micro Center BuildI built this to game, I took a six year break from gaming while my children where young and needed most my time and slowed it way down when I got married (PS3 era), I always loved building computers in fact this was my 5th build however it's my 1st Read the full story here
My First Build! #Bitwit - Micro Center Build
My First Build! #Bitwit - Micro Center BuildI was on console for the longest time and I was finally convinced to get a PC by my friends (they were all on PC and I was the only one on PS4). So August of 2020 I bought my first PC a Cyberpower Pre-Built. It was super basic a Ryzen 3600 and 2060 Super Read the full story here
First Beast - Micro Center Build
First Beast - Micro Center BuildThis is my first ever PC build, that originally had an MSI 2070 super right before the GPU shortage. I was then lucky enough to upgrade just weeks after the 3070 launch, and was somehow lucky enough to get the Gigabyte Vision series graphics card to Read the full story here
FreezerBurns #Bitwit! - Micro Center Build
FreezerBurns #Bitwit! - Micro Center BuildBuilt to replace a rig that still ran after ten years, but was showing its age. Ironically, it was a Microcenter product, the PowerSpec X603 that got me started down this road. Read the full story here
#Bitwit - Micro Center Build
#Bitwit - Micro Center Buildthis setup was made to dominate every game it runs Read the full story here
Ultra Magnus - Micro Center Build
Ultra Magnus - Micro Center BuildI built this gaming rig so I can game and also do some content creation. For content creation I stream Apex and other games on twitch and also just started a Youtube channel with some tech unboxing. Read the full story here