Inland MEGA2560 DIY Kit
Attached below is a .PDF that will walk you through some great projects for all the different components that are included in this kit.
Here are some examples of what projects are featured!
- Hello world!
- Blinking LED
- PWM light control
- Traffic light
- LED chasing effect
- Button-controlled LED
- Active buzzer
- and many more!
This kit includes:
Arduino Mega 2560 Compatible Board x1; LED - Red x5;LED - Yellow x5; LED - Blue x5; 7-seg LED 1x module x1; 10K Ohm Resistor x5; 1K Ohm Resistor x5; 220 Ohm Resistor x8; 50K Ohm Potentiometer x1; Photo Resistor x2; Flame Sensor x1; Ball Tilt Sensor x2; Passive Buzzer x1;Active Buzzer x1; Small Button Switch x4; 830-pin Breadboard; USB Cable x1; Dupont Connector Wires