inland super learning kit is suitable for Arduino enthusiasts. This kit includes 32 projects with detailed tutorials, starting from the basics to more complex projects.
Different from other kits, it adds some functional modules, such as RFID, temperature and humidity module. There is connection diagram and code for each project, making it easy for you to learn.
Install Arduino IDE and Driver
Installing Arduino IDE
When we get control board, we need to download Arduino IDE and driver firstly.
You could download Arduino IDE from the official website
https//, click the SOFTWARE on the browse bar, click “DOWNLOADS” to enter download page, as shown below
There are various versions Of IDE for Arduino, just download a version that compatible with your system, here we will show you how to download and install the windows version Arduino IDE.
There are two versions of IDE for WINDOWS system, you can choose between the Installer (.exe) and the Zip packages. We suggest you use the first one that installs directly everything you need to use the Arduino Software (IDE), including the drivers. With the Zip package you need to install the drivers manually. The Zip file is also useful if you want to create a portable installation.
You just need to click JUST DOWNLOAD.
inland V4.0 Development Board
We need to know inland V4.0 development board, as a core of this smart car.
inland V4.0 development board is an Arduino uno-compatible board, which is based on ATmega328P MCU, and with a cp2102 Chip as a UART-to-USB converter.
It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, 2 ICSP headers and a reset button.
It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it via an external DC power jack (DC 7-12V) or via female headers Vin/ GND(DC 7-12V) to get started.
inland MEGA 2560 Board
inland Mega 2560 R3 is a microcontroller board based on the ATMEGA2560-16AU , fully compatible with ARDUINO MEGA 2560 R3.
It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, 1 ICSP header, and a reset button. The built-in ICSP port can burn the firmware for ATMEGA2560-16AU directly. This chip is burnt the firmware well before leaving the factory, therefore, we hardly use it. We can power on by USB wire, DC head and Vin GND pins. To facilitate wiring, a 0.5 m USB wire is provided for you.
Specialized Functions of Some Pins:
1. Serial Communication: D0 (RX0) and D1 (TX1); Serial 1: D19 (RX1) and D18 (TX1); Serial 2: D17 (RX2) and D16 (TX2); Serial 3: D15 (RX3) and D14 (TX3). Used to receive (RX) and transmit (TX) TTL serial data. Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the corresponding pins of the CP2102 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.
2. PWM Pins (Pulse-Width Modulation): D2 to D13, and D44 to D46. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function.
3. External Interrupts: D2 (interrupt 0), D3 (interrupt 1), D18 (interrupt 5), D19 (interrupt 4), D20 (interrupt 3), and D21 (interrupt 2). These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on a low level, a rising or falling edge, or a change in level. See the attachInterrupt() function for details.
4. SPI communication: D53 (SS), D52 (SCK), D51 (MOSI), D50 (MISO). These pins support SPI communication using theSPI library. The SPI pins are also broken out on the ICSP header, which is physically compatible with the Arduino Uno.
5. IIC communication: D20 (SDA); D21 (SCL). Support TWI communication using the Wire library.
Installing V4.0 board Driver
Let’s install the driver of inland V4.0 board. The USB-TTL chip on V4.0 board adopts CP2102 serial chip. The driver program of this chip is included in Arduino 1.8 version and above, which is convenient. Plug on USB port of board, the computer can recognize the hardware and automatically install the driver of CP2102.
If install unsuccessfully, or you intend to install manually, open the device manager of computer. Right click Computer----- Properties----- Device Manager
There is a yellow exclamation mark on the page, which implies installing unsuccessfully. Then we double click the hardware and update the driver.
Click “OK” to enter the following page, click “browse my computer for updated driver software”, find out the installed or downloaded ARDUINO software. As shown below
There is a DRIVERS folder in Arduino software installed package, open driver folder and you can see the driver of CP210X series chips.
We click “Browse”, then find out the driver folder, or you could enter “driver” to search in rectangular box, then click “next”, the driver will be installed successfully. (I place Arduino software folder on the desktop, you could follow my way)
Open device manager, we will find the yellow exclamation mark disappear. The driver of CP2102 is installed successfully.
*inland MEGA 2560 Board 的驱动安装方法和 V4.0主板的驱动安装方法一样。
Arduino IDE Setting
Click the Arduino icon, open Arduino IDE.
To avoid the errors when uploading the program to the board, you need to select the correct Arduino board that matches the board connected to your computer.
Then come back to the Arduino software, you should click Tools→Board, select the board. (as shown below)
Then select the correct COM port (you can see the corresponding COM port after the driver is successfully installed)
Before uploading the program to the board, let’s demonstrate the function of each symbol in the Arduino IDE toolbar.
A- Used to verify whether there is any compiling mistakes or not.
B- Used to upload the sketch to your Arduino board.
C- Used to create shortcut window of a new sketch.
D- Used to directly open an example sketch.
E- Used to save the sketch.
F- Used to send the serial data received from board to the serial monitor.
Start First Program
Open the file to select Example, choose BLINK from BASIC, as shown below
Set board and COM port, the corresponding board and COM port are shown on the lower right of IDE.
Click the Check icon to start compiling the program, check errors.
Click the Arrow icon to upload the program, upload successfully.
Upload the program successfully, the onboard LED lights on for 1s, lights off for 1s. Congratulation, you finish the first program.
*If it is an Inland MEGA 2560 Board, please select IDE model as Arduino MEGA or MEGA 2560.
How to Add a Library?
What are Libraries ?
Libraries are a collection of code that makes it easy for you to connect to a sensor,display, module, etc.
For example, the built-in LiquidCrystal library helps talk to LCD displays. There are hundreds of additional libraries available on the Internet for download.
The built-in libraries and some of these additional libraries are listed in the reference.
How to Install a Library ?
Here we will introduce the most simple way for you to add libraries .
Step 1. After downloading well the Arduino IDE, you can right-click the icon of Arduino IDE.
Find the option "Open file location" shown as below
Step 2. Enter it to find out libraries folder, this folder is the library file of Arduino.
Step 3. Next to find out the “libraries” folder of tank robot, you just need to replicate and paste it into the libraries folder of Arduino IDE.
Then the libraries of tank robot are installed successfully, as shown below
Note the Arduino software download and the driver installation of Mega 2560 R3 board is similar to Arduino V4.0 board.
Project Details
Project 1: Hello World
As for starters, we will begin with something simple. In this project, you only need an Arduino and a USB Cable to start the "Hello World!" experiment. It is not only a communication test of your Arduino and PC, but also a primer project for you to have your first try in the Arduino world!
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- USB cable*1
Sample Code
After installing driver for Arduino, let's open Arduino software and compile code that enables Arduino to print "Hello World!" under your instruction. Of course, you can compile code for Arduino to continuously echo "Hello World!" without instruction.
A simple If () statement will do the instruction trick. when Arduino gets an instruction and then to print "Hello World!”.
inland super learning kit
Project 1
Hello World
int val;//define variable val
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);// set the baud rate at 9600 .
void loop()
{;// read the instruction or character from PC to Arduino, and assign them to Val.
if(val=='R')// determine if the instruction or character received is “R”.
{ // if it’s “R”,
Serial.println("Hello World!");// display“Hello World!”string.
Test Result
Click to open the serial monitor, input an “R”, PC will receive the information from Arduino Hello World!
After choosing the proper port, the experiment is easy for you!
Project 2: LED Blinking
Blinking LED experiment is quite simple. In the "Hello World!" program, we have come across LED. This time, we are going to connect an LED to one of the digital pins rather than using LED13 soldered to the board. Apart from an Arduino and a USB cable, you will need extra parts as below
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Red M5 LED*1
- 220Ω Resistor*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*2
- USB cable*1
Little Knowledge
LED is a type of semiconductor called "Light Emitting Diode "which is an electronic device made of semiconductor materials (silicon, selenium, germanium, etc.). It is dubbed indicator, digital and word display in circuit and device. It has positive and negative poles. The short leg is negative pole, the long one is positive pole.
Resistor:Resistor is the electronic component in the circuit, which limits and regulates current flow. Its unit is (Ω).
The units larger than ohms are kiloohms (KΩ) and megaohms (MΩ). When in use, in addition to the size of the resistance, you must also pay attention to its power. In the project, the leads at both ends of the resistor should be bent at a 90° angle to fit the breadboard properly. If the lead is too long, it can be cut to an appropriate length.
A breadboard is used to build and test circuits quickly before finalizing any circuit design. The breadboard has many holes into which circuit components like ICs and resistors can be inserted. A typical breadboard is shown below:
The bread board has strips of metal which run underneath the board and connect the holes on the top of the board. The metal strips are laid out as shown below. Note that the top and bottom rows of holes are connected horizontally while the remaining holes are connected vertically.
To use the bread board, the legs of components are placed in the holes. Each set of holes connected by a metal a strip underneath forms anode
Circuit Connection
We follow below diagram from the experimental schematic link. Here we use digital pin 10. We connect LED to a 220 ohm resistor to avoid high current damaging the LED.
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 2
int ledPin = 10; // define digital pin 10.
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);// define pin with LED connected as output.
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on.
delay(1000); // wait for a second.
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off.
delay(1000); // wait for a second
Test Result
After uploading this program, in the experiment, you will see the LED connected to pin 10 turning on and off, with an interval of approximate one second.
In this way, blinking LED experiment is now completed. Thank you!
Project 3: PWM
PWM, short for Pulse Width Modulation, is a technique used to encode analog signal level into digital ones. A computer cannot output analog voltage but only digital voltage values such as 0V or 5V. So we use a high resolution counter to encode a specific analog signal level by modulating the duty cycle of PMW.
Working Principle
The PWM signal is also digitalized because in any given moment, fully on DC power supply is either 5V (ON), or 0V (OFF). The voltage or current is fed to the analog load (the device that uses the power) by repeated pulse sequence being ON or OFF. Being on, the current is fed to the load; being off, it's not. With adequate bandwidth, any analog value can be encoded using PWM. The output voltage value is calculated via the on and off time.
Output voltage = (turn on time/pulse time) * maximum voltage value
PWM has many applications lamp brightness regulating, motor speed regulating, sound making, etc.
The following are the three basic parameters of PMW
1. The amplitude of pulse width (minimum / maximum)
2. The pulse period (The reciprocal of pulse frequency in one second)
3. The voltage level (such as 0V-5V)
There are 6 PMW interfaces on Arduino, namely digital pin 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.
In previous experiments, we have done "button-controlled LED", using digital signal to control digital pin, also one about potentiometer.
This time, we will use a potentiometer to control the brightness of the LED.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Red M5 LED*1
- 220Ω Resistor
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*6
- USB cable*1
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560 R3
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 3
int ledPin = 10;
void setup() {
void loop(){
for (int value = 0 ; value < 255; value=value+1){
analogWrite(ledPin, value);
for (int value = 255; value >0; value=value-1){
analogWrite(ledPin, value);
Test Result
Hook up via connection diagram, upload the code and plug in power. The external LED lights up then gets dark gradually, which looks like human breath.
Project 4: Traffic Light
In the previous program, we have done the LED blinking experiment with one LED. Now, it’s time to up the stakes to do a bit more complicated experiment-traffic light. Actually, these two experiments are similar. While in this traffic light experiment, we use three LEDs with different colors rather than an LED.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- USB Cable *1
- Red M5 LED*1
- Yellow M5 LED*1
- Blue M5 LED*1
- 220Ω Resistor *3
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire *4
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
Since it is a simulation of traffic lights, the blinking time of each LED should be the same with those in traffic lights system.
In this program, we use Arduino delay () function to control delay time, which is much simpler than C language.
inland super learning kit
Project 4
traffic light
int redled =10; // initialize digital pin 10.
int yellowled =7; // initialize digital pin 7.
int blueled =4; // initialize digital pin 4.
void setup()
pinMode(redled, OUTPUT);// set the pin with red LED as “output”
pinMode(yellowled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with yellow LED as “output”
pinMode(blueled, OUTPUT); // set the pin with blue LED as “output”
void loop()
digitalWrite(blueled, HIGH);//// turn on blue LED
delay(5000);// wait 5 seconds
digitalWrite(blueled, LOW); // turn off blue LED
for(int i=0;i<3;i++)// blinks for 3 times
delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
digitalWrite(yellowled, HIGH);// turn on yellow LED
delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
digitalWrite(yellowled, LOW);// turn off yellow LED
delay(500);// wait 0.5 second
digitalWrite(redled, HIGH);// turn on red LED
delay(5000);// wait 5 second
digitalWrite(redled, LOW);// turn off red LED
Test Result
When the uploading process is completed, you can see traffic lights of your own design. Note this circuit design is very similar with the one in LED chasing effect.
The blue light will be on for 5 seconds, and then off, followed by the yellow light blinking for 3 times, and then the red light is on for 5 seconds, repeatedly forming a cycle.
Experiment is now completed, thank you!
Project 5: LED Chasing Effect
We can see many billboards composed of colorful LEDs. They are constantly changing to form various effects. In this experiment, we compile a program to simulate chase effect.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Red LED*6
- 220Ω Resistor *6
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*12
- USB cable*1
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 5
LED Chasing Effect
int BASE = 2 ; // the I/O pin for the first LED
int NUM = 6; // number of LEDs
void setup()
for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
pinMode(i, OUTPUT); // set I/O pins as output
void loop()
for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
digitalWrite(i, LOW); // set I/O pins as “low”, turn off LEDs one by one.
delay(200); // delay
for (int i = BASE; i < BASE + NUM; i ++)
digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // set I/O pins as “high”, turn on LEDs one by one
delay(200); // delay
Test Result
You can see the LEDs blink by sequence.
Project 6: Button-Controlled LED
I/O port means interface for INPUT and OUTPUT. Up to now, we have only used the OUTPUT function.
In this experiment, we will try to use the INPUT function, which is to read the output value of device connecting to it.
We use 1 button and 1 LED using both input and output to give you a better understanding of the I/O function.
Button switch, familiar to most of us, is a switch value (digital value) component. When it's pressed, the circuit is in closed (conducting) state.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Button switch*1
- Red M5 LED*1
- 220ΩResistor*1
- 10KΩ Resistor*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*6
- USB cable*1
Little Knowledge
I believe that button switch is common and popular for people. It belongs to switch quantity (digital quantity)component. Composed of normally open contact and normally closed contact, its working principle is similar with ordinary switch.
When the normally open contact bears pressure, the circuit is on state ; however, when this pressure disappears, the normally open contact goes back to initial state, that is, off state. The pressure is the act we switch the button.
Schematic Diagrams:
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
Now, let's begin the compiling. When the button is pressed, the LED will be on. Based on the previous study, the coding should be easy for you.
In this program, we add a statement of judgment. Here, we use an if () statement.
Arduino IDE is based on C language, so statements of C language such as while, switch etc. can certainly be used for Arduino program.
When we press the button, pin 7 will output high level. We can program pin 11 to output high level and turn on the LED. When pin 7 outputs low level, pin 11 also outputs low level and the LED remains off.
inland super learning kit
Project 6
int ledpin=11;// initialize pin 11
int inpin=7;// initialize pin 7
int val;// define val
void setup()
pinMode(ledpin,OUTPUT);// set LED pin as “output”
pinMode(inpin,INPUT);// set button pin as “input”
void loop()
val=digitalRead(inpin);// read the level value of pin 7 and assign if to val
if(val==LOW)// check if the button is pressed, if yes, turn on the LED
{ digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW);}
{ digitalWrite(ledpin,HIGH);}
Test Result
When the button is pressed, LED is on, otherwise, LED remains off. In this way, the button controlled LED experiment is completed.
The simple principle of this experiment is widely used in a variety of circuit and electric appliances. You can easily come across it in your daily life. One typical example is when you press a certain key on your phone, the backlight will be on.
Project 7: Active Buzzer
Active buzzer is widely used as a sound making element on computer, printer, alarm, electronic toy, telephone, timer and more. It has an inner vibration source. Simply connect it with 5V power supply, it can buzz continuously.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Buzzer*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*2
- USB cable*1
Little Knowledge
There are two kinds of buzzer, active buzzer and passive buzzer. In this lesson, we will use Micro:bit to drive an active buzzer. The active buzzer inside has a simple oscillator circuit which can convert constant direct current into a certain frequency pulse signal. Once active buzzer receives a high level, it will produce an audible beep.
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
When connecting the circuit, pay attention to the positive and negative poles of the buzzer. In the photo, you can see there are red and black lines. When the circuit is finished, you can begin the programming.
Sample Code
Program is simple. You control the buzzer by outputting high/low level.
inland super learning kit
Project 7
Active Buzzer
int buzzer=8;// initialize digital IO pin that controls the buzzer
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);// set pin mode as “output”
void loop()
digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); // produce sound
Test Result
After uploading the program, the buzzer experiment is completed. You can see the buzzer is ringing.
Project 8: Passive Buzzer
We can use Arduino to make many interactive works. The most commonly used one is acoustic-optic display. All the previous experiment has something to do with LED. However, the circuit in this experiment can produce sound. Normally, the experiment is done with a buzzer but not a speaker while buzzer is more simpler and easier to use.
The buzzer we introduced here is a passive buzzer. It cannot be actuated by itself, but by external pulse frequencies. Different frequency produces different sound. We can use Arduino to code the melody of a song, which is quite fun and simple.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Passive Buzzer*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*2
- USB cable*1
Little knowledge
Passive buzzer is an integrated electronic buzzer without vibration source inside. It must be driven by 2K-5K square wave instead of direct current signals. There is little difference between the two buzzers, but when the pins of the two buzzers are placed up, the passive buzzer comes with green circuit board, and the one sealed with vinyl is an active buzzer.
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 8
Passive Buzzer
int buzzer=8;// select digital IO pin for the buzzer
void setup()
pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);// set digital IO pin pattern, OUTPUT to be output
void loop()
{ unsigned char i,j;//define variable
{ for(i=0;i<80;i++)// output a frequency sound
{ digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);// sound
digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//not sound
delay(1);//ms delay
for(i=0;i<100;i++)// output a frequency sound
{ digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH);// sound
delay(2);//2ms delay
digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);//not sound
delay(2);//2ms delay
Test Result
After uploading the program, buzzer experiment is finished, you can hear the buzzer sound.
Project 9: RGB LED
The RGB color mode is a color standard in the industry. It obtains various colors by changing the three color channels of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) and integrating them. RGB denotes the three colors of red, green and blue.
In this project, we use Arduino to mix these three colors in equal amounts to produce white light.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- USB Cable * 1
- RGB LED * 1
- Resistor *3
- Breadboard jumper wire*5
Little Knowledge
The monitors mostly adopt the RGB color standard, and all the colors on the computer screen are composed of the three colors of red, green and blue mixed in different proportions.
RGB is inclusive of common cathode RGB and common anode RGB.
And we could adjust the LED brightness by PWM
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 9
int redpin = 11; //select the pin for the red LED
int bluepin =10; // select the pin for the blue LED
int greenpin =9;// select the pin for the green LED
int val;
void setup() {
pinMode(redpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluepin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenpin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
for(val=255; val>0; val--)
analogWrite(11, val);
analogWrite(10, 255-val);
analogWrite(9, 128-val);
for(val=0; val<255; val++)
analogWrite(11, val);
analogWrite(10, 255-val);
analogWrite(9, 128-val);
Serial.println(val, DEC);
Test Result
Directly copy the above code into arduino IDE, and click upload, wait for a few seconds, you can see a full-color LED.
Project 10: Photo Resistor
After completing all the previous experiments, you may acquire some basic understanding and knowledge about Arduino application. We have introduced digital input and output, analog input and PWM.
Now, let’s begin the learning of sensor applications.
Photo Resistor (Photovaristor) is a resistor whose resistance varies from different incident light strength. It's based on the photoelectric effect of semiconductor. If the incident light is intense, its resistance reduces; if the incident light is weak, the resistance increases.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Photo Resistor*1
- Red M5 LED*1
- 10KΩ Resistor*1
- 220Ω Resistor*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*5
- USB cable*1
Little Knowledge
Photovaristor is commonly applied in the measurement of light, light control and photovoltaic conversion (convert the change of light into the change of electricity).
Photo resistor is also being widely applied to various light control circuit, such as light control and adjustment, optical switches, etc.
We will start with a relatively simple experiment regarding to photovaristor application.
Photovaristor is an element that can change its resistance as light strength changes. So need to read the analog value. You can refer to the PWM experiment, replacing the potentiometer with photovaristor. When there is change in light strength, it will make corresponding change on the LED.
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
After wiring, let's begin the program compiling. The program is similar to the PWM.
For change detail, please refer to the Sample Code below.
inland super learning kit
Project 10
Photo Resistor
int potpin=0;// initialize analog pin 0, connected with photovaristor
int ledpin=11;// initialize digital pin 11,
int val=0;// initialize variable va
void setup()
pinMode(ledpin,OUTPUT);// set digital pin 11 as “output”
Serial.begin(9600);// set baud rate at “9600”
void loop()
val=analogRead(potpin);// read the value of the sensor and assign it to val
Serial.println(val);// display the value of val
analogWrite(ledpin,val/4);// set up brightness(maximum value 255)
delay(10);// wait for 0.01
Test Result
After downloading the program, you can change the light strength around the photovaristor, and see the corresponding brightness change of the LED.
Photovaristors has various applications in our everyday. You can make other interesting interactive projects based on this one.
Project 11: Flame Sensor
Flame sensor (infrared receiving triode) is specially used for robots to find the fire source. This sensor is of high sensitivity to flame.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Flame Sensor *1
- Buzzer *1
- 10K Resistor *1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*6
- USB cable*1
Little Knowledge
Flame sensor is based on the principle that infrared ray is highly sensitive to flame. It has an infrared receiving tube specially designed to detect fire, and then to convert the flame brightness into fluctuating level signal. The signals are then input into the central processor and be dealt with accordingly.
The shorter lead of the receiving triode is for negative, the other one for positive. Connect negative to 5V pin, positive to resistor; connect the other end of the resistor to GND, connect one end of a jumper wire to a clip which is electrically connected to sensor positive, the other end to analog pin. As shown below
Experiment Principle
When it's approaching a fire, the voltage value read from the analog port will differ. If you use a multimeter, you can see that when there is no fire approaching, the voltage it reads is around 0.3V; when there is fire approaching, the voltage it reads is around 1.0V. The nearer the fire is, the higher the voltage is.
So in the beginning of the program, you can initialize voltage value i (no fire value); Then, continuously read the analog voltage value j and obtain difference value k=j-i; compare k with 0.6V (123 in binary) to determine whether there is a fire approaching or not; if yes, the buzzer will buzz.
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for MEGA 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 11
int flame=0;// select analog pin 0 for the sensor
int Beep=9;// select digital pin 9 for the buzzer
int val=0;// initialize variable
void setup()
pinMode(Beep,OUTPUT);// set LED pin as “output”
pinMode(flame,INPUT);// set buzzer pin as “input”
Serial.begin(9600);// set baud rate at “9600”
void loop()
val=analogRead(flame);// read the analog value of the sensor
Serial.println(val);// output and display the analog value
if(val>=600)// when the analog value is larger than 600, the buzzer will buzz
Test Result
This program can simulate an alarm when there is a fire. Everything is normal when there is no fire; when there is fire, the alarm will be set off immediately.
Project 12: LM35 Temperature Sensor
LM35 is a common and easy-to-use temperature sensor. It does not require other hardware. You just need an analog port to make it work. The difficulty lies in compiling the code to convert the analog value it reads into Celsius temperature. In this project, we will guide you how to use LM35 temperature sensor.
Working Principle
LM35 is a widely used temperature sensor with many different package types. At room temperature, it can achieve the accuracy of ±1/4°C without additional calibration processing.
LM35 temperature sensor can produce different voltage by different temperature
When temperature is 0 ℃, it outputs 0V; if increasing 1 ℃, the output voltage will increase 10 mv.
The output temperature is 0℃~100℃, the conversion formula is as follows:
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- LM35*1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*5
- USB cable*
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 12
int potPin = 0; // initialize analog pin 0 for LM35 temperature sensor
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);// set baud rate at”9600”
void loop()
int val;// define variable
int dat;// define variable
val=analogRead(0);// read the analog value of the sensor and assign it to val
dat=(125*val)>>8;// temperature calculation formula
Serial.print("Tep");// output and display characters beginning with Tep
Serial.print(dat);// output and display value of dat
Serial.println("C");// display “C” characters
delay(500);// wait for 0.5 second
Test Result
After uploading the program, you can open the monitoring window to see the current temperature.
Project 13: Tilt Switch
This is a ball switch experiment . The ball switch is also dubbed a steel ball switch. It controls the circuit by connecting guide pin with rolling ball. In this project, we control the LED light by reading the state of the ball switch.
Working Principle
When one end of the switch is below horizontal position, the switch is on. The voltage of the analog port is about 5V (1023 in binary). The LED will be on.
When the other end of the switch is below horizontal position, the switch is off. The voltage of the analog port is about 0V (0 in binary). The LED will be off.
In the program, we determine whether the switch is on or off according to the voltage value of the analog port, whether it's above 2.5V (512 in binary) or not.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Ball switch*1
- Led*1
- 220Ω Resistor*1
- 10KΩ resistor*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*5
- USB cable*1
Circuit Connection
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 13
Tilt Switch
void setup()
pinMode(8,OUTPUT);// set digital pin 8 as “output”
void loop()
int i;// define variable i
i=analogRead(5);// read the voltage value of analog pin 5
if(i>512)// if larger that 512(2.5V)
digitalWrite(8,LOW);// turn on LED
else// otherwise
digitalWrite(8,HIGH);// turn off LED
} } }
6.Test Result
Hold the breadboard with your hand. Tilt it to a certain extent, the LED will be on. If there is no tilt, the LED will be off.
The principle of this experiment can be also applied to relay control.
Experiment now is completed. Thank you!
Project 14: IR Remote Control
What is an infrared receiver?
The signal from the infrared remote controller is a series of binary pulse code. To avoid the other infrared signal interference during the wireless transmission, the signal is pre-modulated at a specific carrier frequency and then send out by an infrared emission diode.
The infrared receiving device needs to filter out other waves and receive signals at that specific frequency and to modulate it back to binary pulse code, known as demodulation.
Working Principle
The built-in receiver converts the light signal it received from the sender into feeble electrical signal. The signal will be amplified by the IC amplifier. After automatic gain control, band-pass filtering, demodulation, wave shaping, it returns to the original code. The code is then input to the code identification circuit by the receiver's signal output pin.
Pin and Wiring for Infrared Receiver
Infrared receiver has 3 pins. When you use it, connect VOUT to analog pin, GND to GND, VCC to +5V.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Infrared Remote Controller *1
- Infrared Receiver *1
- LED *6
- 220ΩResistor *6
- Breadboard Wire *11
- USB cable*1
Circuit Connection
First, connect the controller board; then connect the infrared receiver as the above mentioned, connect VOUT to digital pin 11, connect the LEDs with resistors and connect the resistors to pin 2,3,4,5,6,7.
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560
Experimental Principle
If you want to decode the code from the remote controller, you must first know how it's coded. The coding method we use here is NEC protocol. Below is a brief introduction.
• NEC protocol
(1) 8 bit address and 8 bit command length
(2) (2) address and command are transmitted twice for reliability
(3) (3) pulse distance modulation
(4) (4) carrier frequency of 38 KHZ
(5) (5) bit time of 1.125ms or 2.25ms
Protocol is as below
• Definition of logical 0 and 1 is as below
• Pulse transmitted when button is pressed and immediately released
The picture above shows a typical pulse train of the NEC protocol. With this protocol the LSB is transmitted first. In this case Address $59 and Command $16 is transmitted. A message is started by a 9ms AGC burst, which was used to set the gain of the earlier IR receivers. This AGC burst is then followed by a 4.5ms space, which is then followed by the address and command. Address and Command are transmitted twice. The second time all bits are inverted and can be used for verification of the received message. The total transmission time is constant because every bit is repeated with its inverted length. If you are not interested in this reliability, you can ignore the inverted values, or you can expend the Address and Command to 16 bits each!
• Pulse transmitted when button is pressed and released after a period of time
A command is transmitted only once, even when the key on the remote
control remains pressed. Every 110ms a repeat code is transmitted for as long as the key remains down. This repeat code is simply a 9ms AGC pulse followed by a 2.25ms space and a 560µs burst.
• Repeat pulse
Note when the pulse enters the integrated receiver, there will be decoding, signal amplifying and wave shaping process. So you need to make sure the level of the output is just the opposite from that of the signal sending end.
That is when there is no infrared signal, the output end is in high level; when there is infrared signal, the output end is in low level. You can see the pulse of the receiving end in the oscilloscope. Try to better understand the program based on what you see.
Sample Code
inland super learning kit
Project 14
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
int LED1 = 2;
int LED2 = 3;
int LED3 = 4;
int LED4 = 5;
int LED5 = 6;
int LED6 = 7;
long on1 = 0x00FF6897;
long off1 = 0x00FF9867;
long on2 = 0x00FFB04F;
long off2 = 0x00FF30CF;
long on3 = 0x00FF18E7;
long off3 = 0x00FF7A85;
long on4 = 0x00FF10EF;
long off4 = 0x00FF38C7;
long on5 = 0x00FF5AA5;
long off5 = 0x00FF42BD;
long on6 = 0x00FF4AB5;
long off6 = 0x00FF52AD;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
// Dumps out the decode_results structure.
// Call this after IRrecv::decode()
// void * to work around compiler issue
//void dump(void *v) {
// decode_results *results = (decode_results *)v
void dump(decode_results *results) {
int count = results->rawlen;
if (results->decode_type == UNKNOWN)
Serial.println("Could not decode message");
if (results->decode_type == NEC)
Serial.print("Decoded NEC: ");
else if (results->decode_type == SONY)
Serial.print("Decoded SONY: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC5)
Serial.print("Decoded RC5: ");
else if (results->decode_type == RC6)
Serial.print("Decoded RC6: ");
Serial.print(results->value, HEX);
Serial.print(" (");
Serial.print(results->bits, DEC);
Serial.println(" bits)");
Serial.print("Raw (");
Serial.print(count, DEC);
Serial.print("): ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ((i % 2) == 1) {
Serial.print(results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
Serial.print(-(int)results->rawbuf[i]*USECPERTICK, DEC);
Serial.print(" ");
void setup()
pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
int on = 0;
unsigned long last = millis();
void loop()
if (irrecv.decode(&results))
// If it's been at least 1/4 second since the last
// IR received, toggle the relay
if (millis() - last > 250)
on = !on;
// digitalWrite(8, on ? HIGH : LOW);
digitalWrite(13, on ? HIGH : LOW);
if (results.value == on1 )
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
if (results.value == off1 )
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
if (results.value == on2 )
digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
if (results.value == off2 )
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
if (results.value == on3 )
digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
if (results.value == off3 )
digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
if (results.value == on4 )
digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH);
if (results.value == off4 )
digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
if (results.value == on5 )
digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH);
if (results.value == off5 )
digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
if (results.value == on6 )
digitalWrite(LED6, HIGH);
if (results.value == off6 )
digitalWrite(LED6, LOW);
last = millis();
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value
Note add IRremote folder into installation directory \Arduino\compiler libraries, or you will fail to compile it.
Infrared remote library https//
Test Result
Decode the coded pulse signal emitted by the remote controller, then execute corresponding action according to the results of the decoding. In this way, you will be able to control your device with remote controller.
Done uploading, open the serial monitor, you can see the result as below.
Project 15: Analog Value Reading
In this experiment, we will begin the study of analog I/O interfaces. On an Arduino, there are 6 analog interfaces numbered from A0 to A5. Next, let's begin our project. Potentiometer used here is a typical output component of analog value that is familiar to us.
Hardware Required
- V4.0 Board or MEGA 2650 Board*1
- Potentiometer *1
- Breadboard*1
- Breadboard Jumper Wire*3
- USB cable*1
Potentiometer Features
Adjustable potentiometer is just a kind of resistor. The resistance is changed by rotating the potentiometer, so is the voltage, speed, brightness and temperature. It is an analog electronic component, which has two states of 0 and 1(high level and low level). The analog quantity is different. Its data state presents a linear state such as 1 to 1000.
Circuit Connection
In this experiment, we will convert the resistance value of the potentiometer to analog ones and display it on the screen.
This is an application you need to master well for our future experiments.
Connection for V4.0
Connection for 2560