This article will show how to set up a MAC Filter on a Tenda FH1201 AC1200 router.
Here is how to do this:
1. Open up any web browser and type into the address bar, then press Enter on your keyboard.
2. You will now be on the router login page.
The default password is admin unless you have changed it. Enter the password and then click Login.
3. Click on the Advanced link.
4. Click on Security.
5. Click on MAC Filter from the left menu.
6. Click on the Filter Mode drop down menu and select an option. Allow will allow the client internet access during the selected times. Deny will not allow the client access during the selected times.
7. Click on the drop down menu for Select and select a number. This is the ID for the rule and you have up to 10 different rules.
8. Check Enable and type in a Description. The Description is arbitrary and should be descriptive of the rule.
9. Type in the MAC Address of the client.
10. Select the time and days for this rule to go into effect. Leaving all fields set to 0 will have the rule be in effect all day for the selected days.
11. Click Save to finish.