As Apple Computers have grown in market share, so too have the number of viruses that target them. As such, it's a good idea to run antivirus software on your Mac. Installing ESET on a Mac takes a few extra steps. Follow this guide to ensure your software is installed and running properly:
1. Open any web browser on your Mac and navigate to
2. Run the ESET installer package (the .dmg file) by selecting it from your downloads.
3. Double-click Install ESET Security. When prompted, click Continue to launch the Installation Wizard.
4. Click Continue if no other security applications are installed. Otherwise, hold here and uninstall any existing antivirus software on your system.
5. Review the system requirements and click Continue.
6. Click Continue and Agree on the Terms and Conditions.
7. Select Typical installation mode and Continue.
8. In the ESET LiveGrid window, select your preferred option and click Continue.
If you decide later that you would like to change this setting, you will be able to do so using LiveGrid setup.
9. In the Potentially Unwanted Applications window, select your preferred option and Continue. If you decide later that you would like to change this setting, you will be able to do so using Advanced setup.
10. Click Install. If you are prompted to enter your macOS password, enter it and click Install software.
11. When you receive the System Extension Blocked notification and Your computer is not protected notification, click Open System Preferences.
12. Click on Security & Privacy.
13. Click the Lock icon in the lower left to allow changes to be made and enter your system password
14. Click Allow next to System software from developer "ESET, spol. s.r.o." was blocked from loading.
15. Click Restart.
16. Once the computer has restarted, you will need to allow ESET Full Disk Access.
17. From the Apple menu, click System Preference → Security & Privacy
18. Click the Privacy tab
19. Select the Full Disk Access option.
20. Click the Lock icon so that you can make changes to the security & privacy settings, and enter your system password when prompted.
21. Drag and drop the ESET application icon into the Allow list or click the + icon and select your ESET application
22. Your computer will display a notification to quit ESET. Click Later then restart your computer one more time.
23. ESET is now fully installed on your Mac!