Feedback and a question regarding the custom builder

We'd like to build a computer under $3k that does not need a video card (have one on hand). Ideally I was looking for a 12th gen intel that can be upgraded to DDR5 ram later on.

Below is the link to the build:

Questions are,

  1. The Alder Lake processors all say they are limited availability and to buy in store. I'd like to order online and have them build it for pick up at the store. Is this doable? How do I bypass the "sorry items not in stock" error related to the "limited availability" tag? Or is this something that would require calling ahead of time to confirm there is an i7-12700k available and then bringing the list on paper in? Trying to save an extra hour plus car trip by not having to go twice, if possible. Obviously the whole build is not possible if the 12th gen isn't available.
  2. I hummed and hawed on a few of these items. I'd like an opinion on the motherboard choices as I'm less familiar with them. I just wanted one that was DDR5 compliant and had adequate NVMe 4.0 support for the 980 Pro. Originally had an Elite AX listed here but it was labelled as DDR4. Is the Master overkill to an alternative I missed?
  3. Similarly I'm not familiar with the 5000D. I added fans as I believe the case only comes with 2. Is this unnecessary with a galahad on the front?
  4. I added a Windows 11 DVD as the operating system. Will MicroCenter be able to flash the bios and install this operating system without an optical drive? I assume they can just use the DVD windows key to install via USB?

Would really like input on how best to go about building an Alder Lake with the PC Builder.

Also the Live Chat function seems to be broken 🙂



  • My alternative and first pass was this build linked below. I made this because I was unsure about the availability of the 12th gen and ability to order for pick up in store. Would like feedback on these options + the questions above. The person who would be doing the pick up is less familiar with these so I want to make sure everything is covered prior to committing versus a prebuilt (hence the question about extra trips as well).

  • magarity
    magarity ✭✭✭✭
    500 Comments Third Anniversary 25 Answers 25 Up Votes
    edited November 2021

    I'm planning to get a 5000D in white and from what I figure the two black fans that come with it totally wreck the look of the white case. So yeah, I would say that 3 pack of white fans is a good choice but you can use the black ones if you don't care about the appearance. I say give the black ones to a friend or keep them in a box for just in case you need a replacement. The fans on the AIO will blow in and then it relies on pressure to get the warmed air out the back and top (if there are no other fans). This will work "ok-ish" but honestly it does help to have fan power to push out. Fortunately the output fans can make a huge difference while only running like 50% or less, so they provide benefit while being nice and quiet.

    PS - You don't need to go LED fans for the output ones of course. Any white housing ones will look right and do the job.

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