Store in Pittsburgh soon?
Any plans for a store in the Pittsburgh, PA area anytime soon? It’s a long drive to Mayfield for us.
Who is in charge of opening up stores for MicroCenter!? Please open up a store in Utah, there is a huge market in Slc, Utah!
Micro Center in Upstate New York?
Hi, I was wondering if a micro center in Upstate New York would be possible? Specifically Rochester or nearby if possible!! I'd really love that as I really want to go to micro center but the closest one is a 6 hour drive and don't think I have the money to fly just to experience it. I feel like New York would be a good…
Huntsville, AL - Suggested Store Location
Hi! I would like to suggest Huntsville AL for a new store location. We have a pretty tech-savvy town here with little options in terms of electronics stores. We are heavily growing with like the country's third highest technical workforce. Companies are swarming in. Micro Center would be a fantastic fit in Huntsville.
Please Build A Micro Center In Omaha, NE
I think that you should build a Micro Center In Omaha, Nebraska because of these reasons: 1. The only place to get parts for computers in Omaha Is Best Buy and they only have 3 kinds of GPU's. 2. I know that a lot of people will go there to get pc parts, tech repair, etc. 3. Please don't take this as a bribe and I will be…
Does anyone know of plans for a Washington location?
So I live in Washington and the closest computer store to me is best buy, and they have just about nothing there. I have also seen a lot of people on twitter requesting a Washington location. Anyone know of plans to get a Microcenter location over here?
Utah Location
Utah has a really big tech scene with a lot tech starts (one of which I work for). So if we got a micro center here it would be a huge success. Have there been talks or plans made to open one here?
Florida desperately needs a Micro Center (or two)!
Hi, I live in Miami, FL and the nearest Micro Center is 14 hours away in Marietta, GA. We need one desperately down here as all we have that passes for a computer store is Best Buy. We used to have Tiger Direct but they were bought out by PC Mall and are no longer brick-and-mortar. Florida is a very long state and we could…
Why don't you have a store in Pittsburgh?!
For the past four years, I've left countless messages on LinkedIn and in what I thought were the correct forums here, but apparently I'm not important enough to merit a reply. And of course there is NO link to send feedback or otherwise contact MicroCenter because big greedy corporations don't want their "consumers"--no…
Washington (state)
Common, we all know Washington needs a micro center. We have the largest (bounces from largest to second frequently) tech company in the world here (Microsoft), might as well also have the greatest tech store too!
Las Vegas/Henderson location?
I wish there was a micro center here in Vegas, made an account here just to post this but ever since Fry's closed, the only stores that sell electronics are Best Buy, Walmart and Target. And those kinda suck in terms of selection. Micro Center would probably get a lot of business from people in conventions here in Vegas,…
receipt and wrong product
I bought a monitor idk how long ago I lost the receipt and I went looking in the for the receipt in my email and it is not their. The monitor that I bought was a 240hz monitor and it my fist time checking and it only goes goes up to 144hz so idk what to do. The location that I went to was in tustin CA
Micro Center needed in Charleston, SC
As someone who has been around technology for 26 years, Charleston, SC is in desperate need of a Micro Center. Here are some great reasons that Micro Center should thoroughly investigate building a store in Charleston, SC: Competition is very slim in Charleston (Best Buy is the only competition and it’s severely lacking).…
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2
Has anyone else been playing Space Marine 2? My friends and I have been waiting for it to come out for a few years now. It is a really fun game so far! I enjoyed the storyline a lot. The other two multiplayer modes are no slouch either! There are some issues for some people with connection issues and I've seen a couple of…
I bought my motherboard at micro center September 2022 and don't know where the receipt is ( checked my email nothing there). Is there any other way for me to get it, need to see if my motherboard still has warranty.
Store suggestion
I would like to suggest a store be put up in saginaw Michigan. I love Micro center and have to drive an hour just to get there. I know many people that would love it as well!!
San Diego Area?
Fry's just went out of business in the Vista area. And it was crap anyway. Y'all looking into starting one up in North San Diego?
shipment is lost in transit
I ordered some flash drives, and I believe FedEx has lost them. I would like to have you research this concern,and replace them if appropriate. Thank you.
San Diego/ large fry’s electronics location
Hi Micro Center I know you all have been working hard out their just wondering if you guys would take a large area of store/ Fry’s Electronics. This area is a big potential for big business and joy to people arround here who love building PC’s and just want an overall large selection of products to purchase from.
PSU in other countries
I want to help my friend build a pc and I am wondering If he will need to swap PSUs when in a different country? thanks
Okay Microcenter it’s 2022…how do y’all not have an app?
Idk I could be alone in this thinking but I find apps generally easier to navigate and better catalogued. Especially since y’all have so many items that are under several different categories. Just curious if Microcenter will ever have an app for iPhone/Android seeing as how it’s the best electronics store in the US bar…
Location request!
Establishing a Micro Center in Syracuse would greatly benefit our community, particularly in addressing the current lack of accessible quality PC parts and services. With the upcoming development of the Micron Campus in Clay, the timing couldn't be more opportune. A Micro Center would not only fill this void but also…
Merged: Micro center Charlotte
This discussion has been merged.
While always proud of my computer builds.....
Sometimes my culinary skills are even more fun to show off. I made these for the Super Bowl last night.
If you think this is bad.
Hope you never come across one of these.
Please make this location?
hey Micro Center i was wondering if there could be a new building in Wilmington, NC. There is a best buy and other tech stores there. One thing i want micro center to be there for is because of the Sim racing. I want a store to have sim racing equipment and other things in one store.
Requirements for becoming a technician
If one wanted to work at Mirco Center to be a build technician. Would the COMP TIA A+ be enough to be qualified or would I need additional certification on top of it. From what I have read I believe the COMP TIA A+ should be enough.
Location In The Bay Area
Hello Micro Center, I have been looking to upgrade my computer for a while now. I have seen many videos about your stores. However, I live in Northern California, near the Bay Area where the closest store is in LA. I'm sure that this has been suggested before, but what are the chances that you will open a store in the Bay…
What did everyone give/receive from Micro Center this holiday season?
I hope everyone who celebrates is having an awesome holiday season! I'm curious to know what everyone got from us at Micro Center, whether receiving it as a gift or buying it for someone else. Being a MC associate, naturally some of my gifts came from my store. I gave a KBDCraft Adam, a Razer Cobra, and a nifty little…
Store request
This discussion was created from comments split from: Store request.