Atari Ultimate Arcade Fightstick w/ Raspberry Pi 4?

Hi, I'm a newb to these retro controller games and could use some help. I think I've concluded that I want to go with the MC/Atari Ultimate Arcade fightstick, but go with a Raspberry Pi 4 instead of the included Pi 3B+. Here are some question I have.

  1. I believe this controller can be purchased without the Pi 3B+, is that correct?
  2. Which Raspberry Pi 4 box would be plug and play and does MC sell it?
  3. Other than a Raspberry Pi box would I need to get any additional hardware?
  4. Does the non included Raspberry Pi version include the Micro SD card with the official Atari games? If not, are they easy to get elsewhere?
  5. How do you connect to the internet to download/install Mame game roms? Do you need to connect to a PC or does the Raspberry Pi have built-in Wifi/Ethernet?

I'm going to ask my significant other for this setup as a Christmas gift, and would like to provide her a shopping list, hopefully being able to do a MC one stop shop for everything. Unfortunately, this is all new to me and I'm struggling as well.

Would like to ensure I'm able to eventually set this up to play my favorite 80's arcade games.

  • Centipede, Joust, Tempest, Galaga, Defender, Missile Command, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, and Pac-man.

Thanks for any tips!


  • Well, I just stopped into Micro Center. No associates working in the DIY section to assist me with my questions but I was able to check out the kits which includes the Pi and the one that doesn't. So am able to answer some of my questions.

    Q1: I believe this controller can be purchased without the Pi 3B+, is that correct?

    A1: Correct, there is a $50 difference in price. The kit without doesn't include Pi 3B+ board, 6ft HDMI cable, Motherboard Power supply and Atari Micro SD card.

    Q2: Which Raspberry Pi 4 board would be plug and play and does MC sell it?

    A2: I was unable to get an associate at MC to help me with this question and couldn't identify anything on their website. Plenty of Pi 4 cases and other items which connect to the main Pi board, but unable to find an actual Raspberry Pi 4 motherboard.

    Q3: Other than a Raspberry Pi board would I need to get any additional hardware?

    A3: Would need wiring items such as Raspberry Pi power supply, and HDMI cable.

    Q4: Does the non included Raspberry Pi version include the Micro SD card with the official Atari games? If not, are they easy to get elsewhere?

    No, but the Atari Micro SD card can be purchased separately for $25.

    Q5: How do you connect to the internet to download/install Mame game roms? Do you need to connect to a PC or does the Raspberry Pi have built-in Wifi/Ethernet?

    A5: The Rasperry Pi 3 & 4 has an onboard ethernet connection and Wifi.

  • So now I'm still tossing between getting the "Ultimate" which includes the Pi 3B+ and just upgrading it later to a Pi 4B, since the Ultimate comes with the Atari SD card($25), and Power supply ($11) and a 6ft HDMI cable where if I were to buy those separately would add up to the $50 price difference. At least I know I'll have something that works until I figure out the hoops I'll need to jump through when attempting to upgrade it to a Raspberry Pi 4 board.

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