After MB swap, Windows install is not detecting my M.2

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edited December 2021 in General Discussion

*New Motherboard: Gigabyte Aorus Master z690*

I just got my PC back from the Micro Center shop and they advised me that I would need to do a fresh Windows install (which I expected because I switched chipsets). The BIOS detects the M.2 just fine, but when I boot to my USB drive, the Windows installation program doesn’t see the M.2

I then went into a command prompt and ran DISKPART, typed “list disk” and all it detects is the USB drive.

The picture above is what the BIOS is showing for drives. As you can see on the left it shows up as a 2TB SSD, but on the right it shows nothing for M.2

*Is there something in the Gigabyte BIOS that needs to be tweaked so that it will make my M.2 available to the windows install program?*


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Check Advanced - IO Ports(I believe) - VMD Setup Menu. Is VMD enabled? If so, disable it. When this is enabled you have to choose to map SATA/NVME depending on the RAID you're trying to build. If it thinks the drive is part of an array it won't map it. Generally even if VMD is enabled, nothing is mapped by default.

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