Avoiding Windows 11

I did the Windows 11 upgrade and a) did not like it and b) discovered it did not work with some older business software used for specialty purposes. So I restored my desktop back to Windows 10.

I read the discussion with Jason_D072 and noted in the reply "...if you purchased a computed loaded with Windows 11..."

Since I need to replace my desk top in the next couple of months, grateful to find out if Microcenter can sell me a desk top with Windows 10?




  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Yes, we're still selling PC's with Windows 10. I believe some business models build in the near future will be offering a downgrade option as well. For our PowerSpec brand we do still have plenty of models in production that are shipping with Windows 10, though this will likely change in a few months. It's always an option to purchase the 10 license separately and to install Windows 10 on a system that arrived with Windows 11. You'll have the 11 license for down the road when it eventually is time to upgrade.

    If you wouldn't mind, please tell us what software you were using that wouldn't run on 11 and what issues you were running into. Error codes, ect.

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