Low refresh rate interfering w dual monitor setup

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edited January 2022 in General Discussion

Hello! Having difficulty increasing refresh rate for our new Samsung UE590 monitor from 30 to 60HZ -- hoping to match the 60HZ refresh rate of the other monitor in our dual display, an Asus VA-24E. The difference between the two is making it difficult to move the cursor between screens.

Current setup: I'm using an HDMI cable from our Dell Inspiron (with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750ti 2GB) to the HDMI port #2 of the Samsung monitor (which is supposed to support 60HZ, according to manual and some quick online research). Yet when I check advanced display options, there's no option above 30HZ in the dropdown menu.

I'm wondering if perhaps the cable might be an issue -- perhaps using the display port cable that came with the monitor instead of the HDMI one might make a difference? If so, that presents another problem in that the NVIDIA card in the Dell has no display port outlet, just one HDMI. Perhaps I need a card with a display port or there's a workaround?

UPDATE: Spoke with Samsung rep and we were able to get to 60HZ but had to reduce screen resolution from 3840 x 2160 to 2560 x 1440.He suggested going through NVIDIA control panel but doesn't seem to be a "change resolution" or "refresh rate" option under the control panel navigation tree.

Computer/graphics card specs:

Device name   Dell3668

Processor        Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz  3.60 GHz

Installed RAM 16.0 GB

System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Intel HD Graphics 630

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750ti

Best Answer

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Answer ✓


    Unfortunately on pretty certain all the 750 Ti mobiles were soldered GPU's. Upgrading the GPU alone wouldn't be an option. Doubt the system has Thunderbolt. If you're using the system as a desktop at home, you could take the bottom off, remove the WIFI. Use the M.2 E-Key for an x4 GPU. Would need an AE NGFF adapter to M-Key, on an M-Key compatible riser to use for the eGPU. Very possible you'll have to work through some issues with it, but it should work.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    From memory the 750 Ti's HDMI port was 1.4b. This is where you're running into your limit, it's going to be the lesser of the two HDMI connections. The monitors second port his HDMI 2.0, but due to the port on the card it's limited to 1.4b specifications. Does the laptop have DisplayPort?

  • Thank you very much TSMikeW! Checked the specs on the 750 Ti's HDMI port (below) and it looks like you're right on! So it sounds like I need to upgrade to a graphics card that allows 2.0? If that's the case, any suggestions?

    Key Features

    • NVIDIA® GPU Boost 2.0
    • NVIDIA® Adaptive Vertical Sync
    • NVIDIA® Surround™
    • Support for three concurrent displays including:
    • - Two dual-link DVI
    • - HDMI mini® 1.4b
    • Microsoft® DirectX® 11.2 API (level 11_0)
    • NVIDIA® PhysX® technology
    • NVIDIA® 3D Vision® -Ready
    • NVIDIA® CUDA® technology
    • NVIDIA® Shield™ -Ready
    • PCI Express 3.0 support
    • OpenGL 4.4 support

  • OK. Got some work to do. Thanks again!

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