windows 11 and uefi display card

I am trying to upgrade my desktop to Win 11. I get stuck Security Boot. I tried to enable the Security Boot in BIOS, but it refuses and says my display device is not UEFI ready...

I do have an old video card. Could that be the issue? Is there a way to check?

Also, if it's simply the video card not being compatible for UEFI, what would be an affordable UEFI compatible video card? I do have two monitors, one HDMI and the other VGA, so the card has to be able to support both.

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you...


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    edited January 2022


    You're correct, it is an issue with the video card. You don't need to enable secure boot to upgrade to or run Windows 11. It needs to be supported, and you need to be booting in UEFI mode. It sounds like you're enabling secure boot, which requires UEFI mode, which is then giving you the GPU error when you're switching from Legacy to UEFI. What model is your card?

    I'd shop for a GT 1030 with VGA. Should be around $100.

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