Atari Single Player USB Fight Stick
Compatible with Raspberry Pi, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and PlayStation; Includes Brief Case Style Handle for easy Portability; with Retro Gaming Joystick, Arcade Spinner, and Trackball.
Compatible with Raspberry Pi, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and PlayStation
Includes Brief Case Style Handle for easy Portability
with Retro Gaming Joystick, Arcade Spinner, and Trackball
Atari Single Player USB Fightstick - This portable plug-and-play fight stick is the perfect option for your retro gaming setup! With the custom Atari graphics, faux wood finish, trackball, and arcade spinner this fight stick was made to induce the nostalgia of retro gaming. The briefcase-style handle allows for easy transport and adds that vintage flair. This fight stick features a joystick, arcade buttons, trackball, and an arcade spinner, which allows you to play most games with their original control scheme. Take advantage of the wide variety of system compatibility with access to Raspberry Pi, Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and PlayStation. This system works great with RetroPie!
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