Idea for Alien(ware) versus (Acer's) Predator ad campaign. Good idea or am I insane?
Okay, so this might take some legwork to get all the parties on board, namely Dell who owns Alienware, Acer who has the Predator line, and 20th Century Fox who owns the Alien vs Predator franchise.
Basically just compare and contrast the two systems side by side with a neat kiosk. If Fox doesn't want to play ball call it Predator vs. Alienware or something like that.
There is also the downside of anyone else who makes a gaming PC/laptop feeling left out or "alienated" :)
The 20th aniversary of the film will happen on August 12th, 2024 so that's plenty of time to get this sorted out I think.
Just don't do anything with or reference AVP2, because that movie was awful.
Idea for Alien(ware) versus (Acer's) Predator ad campaign. Good idea or am I insane?
Well that's certainly an original idea but I'm not sure if we (or another retailer) will be able to get all the parties to agree on something like that. 🤔
Good idea!
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