New Ultimate Fightstick won't boot

I recently received an Atari Ultimate Arcade Fighstick as a gift. When I went to boot it up, I got nothing except the rainbow screen.

I create a backup image, then installed RetroPie on the SD card, and the cabinet booted up just fine (of course, I didn't have any games and I'm not sure what controller files I should have copied over.)

Restored the original image and still same problem.

Is there a way I can get the latest OS/recovery image to install? I'm using Raspberry Pi Imager on Windows to setup the SD card, as I never even got to the Wi-Fi connection screen on the Fightstick.


  • asianse
    asianse ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 25 Awesomes 5 Answers Name Dropper

    It looks like your best course of action would be to return it, if it is a recent purchase and still have it under warranty.

    According to

    The image we provide is Raspbian Lite with RetroPie pre-installed. Much of the software included in the RetroPie image have non-commercial licences. Because of this selling a pre-installed RetroPie image is not legal – this includes “giving away” a pre-installed RetroPie with your commercial product. Including copyrighted games with RetroPie is also not allowed.

    Since there is a probably issue with the preinstalled rom that atari included. You won't be able to troubleshoot the issue online, since all the games have non-commercial licenses.

  • Got the email. Will try it out in next couple of days and let you know if it works.

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