Can't select ECC RAM in the builder.

Can't select any RAM in the builder, at least not until you select a board. Okay so I selected a board which I know is workstation/server geared. Still can't select DDR4 ECC RAM for it (the options are grayed out.)
I don't think anyone has DDR5 ECC RAM (with the extra chip, not the virtual that is built in by default) yet but I'm keeping an eye out for that as well.
Greetings. What specific board do you have picked out in the builder?
Well as far as I can tell just about any ASUS board has ECC support these days. But for the sake of argument (and because it's one of the ones I tested with) let's say it's this beast:
Thank you for the example. I do see that it's auto checking non-ECC as the only compatible option it appears on a variety of boards. I have sent this example over to our web team so they can investigate this further.
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