gen4 SSD stuck at gen3 speeds
I recently bought an Asus B550M-A Prime motherboard and an Inland gen4 SSD. I've updated the mobo to the most recent BIOS, however, I only get gen3 speeds when running benchmarks. Also, I do not see gen4 as a link speed for pcie or m.2 settings. I only see 'automatic' & gen1-3.
Any ideas as to how to unlock gen4?
Best Answer
No PCIe 4.0 lanes on the 5700G/5600G unfortunately:
No PCIe 4.0 lanes from the chipset either.
The X570 provides PCIe 4.0 lanes from the chipset. The Vermeer architecture CPU's provide PCIe 4.0 lanes. The 5700G/5600G are Cezanne architecture and provide PCIe 3.0. The B550 also provides 10 PCIe 3.0 lanes.
Also, I paid attention to put it into the first m.2 slot, not the second
What processor do you have?
I have a 5700G
Always the last place you look...
Thanks for the prompt reply!
Just to elaborate and avoid any confusion. I mention the chipset provided lanes, but they're immaterial depending on the CPU. An X570 cannot provide PCIe 4.0 lanes on a Cezanne architecture CPU.
The B550 can support PCIe 4.0 from a Vermeer architecture CPU. In that case the CPU would provide 24 PCIe 4.0 lanes and the chipset would provide an additional 10 PCIe 3.0 lanes. From here it's a matter of how the board is wired. The manufacturer will always specify:
So you read the page correctly and noted only M.2_1 supports PCIe 4.0, but ASUS didn't elaborate on the Cezanne architecture CPU's being in the 5000 series family.
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