Automatic Session Timeout when browsing from Powerspec B732
Hello, I purchased a PowerSpec B732 Windows 10 Pro desktop last May. Got around to using it in December. For all three browsers (latest-Chrome/Firefox/Edge), I am not able to log in to a handful of websites (and the list is growing). Tried everything from enable all cookies, disabling the native firewall, running Incognito, deleting cookies etc. Nothing has worked and my Google searches have come up empty. I am at my wit's end. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thx!
Greetings. When you try to sign in to websites you get a message about Automatic Session Timeout? Do you have an example of what you are seeing?
Sure. I've attached a pic of where I discovered it. I could get log into every other Cisco website I attempted to log into except for this particular one. BTW, I can get to this website from my another desktop in my house using the same 3 browsers, and also by using Safari on an iPad.
Since I discovered this on the Cisco website first, I thought the problem might be on their side. Their Tech Support tried to help me but that went nowhere. Since that time, I've run into the same problem at 3 other websites, the latest one being when I tried to checkout at Therefore, the problem is on my side, on this unique desktop PC.
See attachment. It happens immediately after I enter my login credentials. (Tried changing that too but to no avail). I was able to capture some info on Chrome pointing to an X-Frame-Options = DENY response from their server. I added a Chrome extension to ignore that header but that didn't work either.
X-Frame-Options is there to prevent Clickjacking attacks. It shouldn't be the cause of this issue. This strikes me as more of an issue with something that's trying preserve the browser state or login automatically. Do you have any programs running that store login credentials?
None. No programs to store login creds. Thx.
Can boot into safe mode with networking and see if the issue still exists?
Just tried it and the problem still exists. Thx.
Lets see if potentially it's some type of DNS resolution issue. From an elevated command prompt try: ipconfig /flushdns
You could also try a custom DNS, I'd use google. This would be done from the IPv4 settings on the network adapter properties.
Anything in your Hosts.txt file besides localhost?
flushed DNS, made the DNS server changes -> no change in behavior.
etc hosts file has the localhost but it is commented out. No other hosts defined.
What other options do I have? Should I start uninstalling every application one at a time?
My only other thought on something that would effect all browsers on the system, would be a secure software. Do you have any antivirus software installed? If you'd like to provide a screenshot of your installed applications I'll look through it and see if anything jumps out.
Yes, I have Norton 360. I had removed it when all this got started a few months ago; no change. Just removed it again now and still the same behavior. (In doing so, I discovered another website I couldn't log into ->
Time to start over and re-image this PC. Thx.
I wouldn't trust a standard uninstall of Norton to correct any issues the software is actually causing. Run this:
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