How about an official MicroCenter IRC?
IRC has been an internet standard forever, and it would be fun to just chat or ask questions on. Could make channels for #hardware #software #offtopic etc... Could either host it yourself at or maybe set it up on Libera/OFTC/some other server.
I guess you could also set up a Matrix server, but I'm not as large of a fan of that. Although you could bridge them too I guess.
This would be pretty cool! I have no say on anything like this, I am but a humble store employee, but I imagine IRC wouldn't need much to get up and running. My only concern is whether it would separate the Discord community, I imagine that ideally we want most of our community in one place! Lol. I'd be interested to hear @Ian opinion on this.
Could even throw it on a Raspberry Pi or something and brag it's hosted "in store." Could also set up a Matrix room and maybe a bridge to IRC.
I know Pine64 have both of those and a Discord bridge set up. I used to use Discord but I try to avoid closed source apps so I switched to Mumble (but even less people use that it seems.)
My guess is they'd be against it as it's harder to moderate.
Honestly I'd rather see them implement TOTP on the site login if anything. Especially since the site handles financial transactions. But this would be cool.
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