Product key question

I have 2 power spec machines. A B649 and B359. I am wanting to do the free upgrade to windows 10.Both computers have the same product key. Will this cause any issues? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
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    The Windows 10 free upgrade offer has been officially over for quite a while now. If the system was ever upgraded to 10 then downgraded back to 7 or 8.1 then you would have the entitlement for Windows 10. As for their requirements with this if the OS is activated it would of been upgrade eligible. The keys matching on these systems are not an issue. I'll explain that below.

    With the Windows 7 OEM activation method was to use several factors in the OS and firmware to activate out of the factory. The key was unique to the OEM. Then the actual COA key was unique. When Windows 8 was offered as an upgrade, they moved to a new OEM activation method and removed the COA sticker with the key. Now keys are injected into the firmware and they are all unique. So your Windows 7 keys will match, but if you were to check the keys in the firmware with a tool like ShowKeyPlus you would also detect the Windows 8 keys which are unique.

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