New Asus Z690-Plus WIFI D4 Ethernet Problems

I have a problem that I can't quite figure out. I just recently brought home a system that I had built at Micro Center and I'm having a problem that I cannot seem to resolve. The system periodically thinks that the ethernet cable is not connected and will completely reset the network interface. This makes the primary purpose of the system (gaming) rather difficult. I have changed network cables, plugged into different ports on the network switch, etc. and the problem intermittently persists. I know the board has WIFI but I really would rather use the wired interface for performance.

Some research around the internet turned up an article on the I225-V ethernet controller on this motherboard (I'm too new to post the link) but the tech already installed a later driver version ( than the link mentions and the Asus website only lists this version for the motherboard. This driver update also does not package any firmware update with it.

I'm not sure where I should go from here as far as trying to resolve the problem, other than trying to contact the local Micro Center store where I had the build done but they are swamped so I am wondering if there are any other troubleshooting or simple steps that I could look at before going that route? The motherboard BIOS version is pretty behind (version 0707) vs the latest (1404) so I'm not certain it would help and I had the system built for me precisely so I wouldn't have to deal with things like this.



  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    On a new build I usually flash to the latest BIOS as a starting point, but I've tested the BIOS you're on with that board and did not encounter this problem. We've seen the i-225V issues in the past, but with this board the NIC's should be revision B3 and that should be resolved. Check the ethernet adapter in device manager. Under Details - HardwareIDs verify the revision is 03.

    As for things to try. Under Advanced - Speed and Duplex, try capping it at 1Gbps and see if the issue remains. You can also test disabling energy efficient ethernet.

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