A way to see what MC carries in general, not just what is in stock at my local store

magarity ✭✭✭✭
Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Answers 25 Up Votes
edited February 2024 in Store Information and Policy

The main website has a way to change stores or see what is shippable, but many items are not shippable and sometimes not in stock just now at my local store. For example someone is asking about K or KF Intel CPUs but Denver currently has only the K in stock. I don't know if MC even carries the KF version because it isn't shippable but I don't want to scan through all the local stores to see if they are anywhere. Anyway, the point is not that I'm asking about KF CPUs but just that I don't have a way to find items that are carried but just not in stock. At the top of the 'Refine Results' could be an option for 'Show out of stock items'


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