Did I get a failed SSD?
I just claimed a free 256gb SSD coupon and I think the SSD isn't working. I installed Windows on it like normal, went through the setup, and it worked perfectly fine. After restarting my computer to make it my boot drive, it wasn't detected in my BIOS. I tried unplugging my other drive to see if it would boot from the SSD, but it wasn't able to. I am sure I connected my SATA ports correctly as well.
Please help,
Not a Micro Employee, but have you tried hitting escape and/or F2/F10/F12 during startup to see if you can get into BIOS settings? There should be a way to see if it even shows up in the list?
From my experience installing Windows, it would let you know if it couldn't save to the disk or if the disk was unusable (in which case it would then be faulty)
Is this Windows 10? 11? What Motherboard or Computer is this?
This was Windows 10. The computer is the HP Pavilion 550-110, and the motherboard is called Memphis2-S. If you search the HP Pavilion on google there should be a link to HP's website where it shows all the specifications. I've been in the HP BIOS already and my hard drive comes up but the SSD isn't on the list of boot priorities. It's also weird that it shows up in disk management when I connected it to my laptop externally. I also tried to see if it would show up on my laptop's BIOS while being connected externally but no luck there either.
Good afternoon @anonne
I do apologize that you are having issues with the ssd you received. For the computer after you installed windows on it. are you able to go back in to the windows setup and try removing the partitions and recreating them and going through the install process again?
Yes, I am able to go through the whole installation process again but when I want to use it as a boot drive or put it in any other pc, it won't be detected in the BIOS. For some reason I can only use it as a regular storage drive, and not a drive to put my OS onto.
To clarify, you are unable to boot to the drive once you install Windows to it?
How are you installing Windows to this drive? Via a USB/DVD from Microsoft directly or one that you created?
I installed it with a USB that I created.
Have you tried to re-create or make new installation media to see if that would make any change?
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