Can Windows 11 revert to earlier version so I can upload an older program?
Hi. I recently bought Powerspec B685, running W11. I have an older printer which does not work with that. Is there a way to configure the computer to accept this older program? Otherwise I have to enter Hell and buy a new printer, which will most likely fail repeatedly. I read reviews and I see about 1 in 5 chance of hating any of them. Too many features and sensors, and jamming and error messages, etc.
Windows 11 Pro which is included on the B685 does have downgrade rights to Windows 10 Pro. You can create Windows 10 installation media and install Windows 10 with no issues.
I haven't seen a lot of compatibility issues with Windows 11 though. What printer do you have?
Hello, yes, if you could provide us with what model of printer you have, we can look into this further with you!
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