Any idea what's going on with my PC?
Hey everyone,
Over the weekend while gaming my PC randomly started screeching. It's so incredibly loud that I can hear it from one room in another. Any ideas what's going on? Did my PSU kick the bucket (that's where I believe the sound is coming from)? The way the case is put together, I can't figure out how to take it out either. 😐️ Also this happens right as my warranty ran out.
I've owned this computer for exactly an year. 6 months in the RAM died and needed replacement and now I'm hoping whatever is causing this is a simple solution.....
Video of screeching:
The fan in your PSU did from the sound of it. They can make quite a bit of noise, screeching or squealing potentially. PSU's are dangerous to repair as they're basically a large capacitor. I would verify the sound is indeed coming from the PSU and replace that component.
Take the back side panel off, it'll give you direct access to the PSU to verify that's the source, but with that sound in particular it's definitely a fan.
I would take this into service and speak to them about it. You're just outside the warranty.
Yeah, it looks like it is the PSU's fan. I manage to figure out how to get the PSU out, but it will take some work getting all the cables wired back up properly once my new PSU arrives.
Taking the computer to a microcenter isn't an option since the nearest one to me is 4.5hrs away. Crossing my fingers that this is the last thing to go wrong with this unit. -_-
Let us know if you have any questions with the new PSU or have any further issues.
Sigh.... my power supply just arrived. I decided to upgrade from 750w to 850w and of course that came with a problem. I bought the powerspec PSU, but unlike my original this one doesn't have all the cables already connected to the PSU. Unfortunately it also doesn't label which cable is for what. The instruction manual just says connect X cable. The only drawing it has is for the power cable and the LED light. Like really?
It actually looks like it was shipped without a CPU cable.... Based on the Amazon image, I think the second cable is the CPU cable and it's the one I can't find in my box.
You're correct, the second cable is the CPU 8 Pin.
I just had a replacement PSU arrive and I was correct, the original package was missing CPU cable. It's installed and I'm having no noise issues. The new PSU comes with a light on the fan and I'm noticing that the fan isn't always spinning. It turns on and off. Is this normal? I assume the fan should be spinning at all times.
I just tried pressing the switch CPU fan color button and the button got stuck inside. Not even trying to be rude, but this is the last time I buy anything powerspec. First my Powerspec PC dies, then my PSU dies, then I get a PSU with no CPU cable, then a replacement PSU that is clearly broken. I don't really care much about the RGB but it's still crazy that both PSUs have problems.
Edit #2:
While gaming the fan is running at all times so I think it's a feature rather than a hardware problem.
Is this the PSX 850GFM RGB? This unit has a zero RPM fan mode with a toggle on the rear. If this is on, it will idle the fan. Should also have a RGB mode toggle and the button you mentioned was stuck should rebound and toggle the mode. If you switch off of manual mode, it'll sync to your board with the included cable. Please upload a picture of the rear of the PSU and the stuck button if possible.
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