"Rubber-banding" issue in Valorant (currently only Valorant)
Recently I have been facing an irritating issue where my ping in Valorant would spike to 100 ms from around 20-30 ms. I do not think it is memory loss, as memory loss occurs after I have my game opened for a rather long time. If anyone has any tips or helpful insight regarding my issue it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Recently I have been facing an irritating issue where my ping in Valorant would spike to 100 ms from around 20-30 ms. I do not think it is memory loss, as memory loss occurs after I have my game opened for a rather long time. If anyone has any tips or helpful insight regarding my issue it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Seems the general advice for users who experience this is to cap your FPS in game.
Sounds like it could be an issue with your internet or the game's server. You can download some sort of software to track your ping while you use your computer and see if you have these spikes all the time. If it's happening all the time, change your Ethernet cable from router to PC, otherwise work with your ISP to help determine if there's a quality issue with their service to your equipment.
I appreciate the advice.
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