Now at Micro Center: The Logitech G502 X and G502 X Lightspeed Gaming Mice!
Written by Sean Mekinda
The G502 X and G502 X Lightspeed takes one of the most beloved mouse series around and makes them even better than the original. And they’re available now at Micro Center!
What’s New?
If you’re a fan of lightweight mice with lots of options and killer responsiveness, the G502 X should be at the top of your list. Both the wired and Lightspeed model shed the weight of previous models, dropping the Lightspeed down to 102 g and the wired model to a measly 89 grams. Both feature Logitech’s first-ever hybrid optical-mechanical LIGHTFORCE switches for faster speeds and reliability by combining the speed of optical switches with the tactility of mechanical switches. Add to that the HERO 25K sensor for sub-micron accuracy and zero smoothing, filtering, and acceleration, and you’ve got a mouse that’ll be ready the instant you are.
The G502 X series isn’t just about internal improvements, though. It’s about user customization. The new adjustable DPI-Shift button has two swappable button options with extra configuration options for each, so you can customize your mouse to your exact taste. The scroll wheel offers two modes as well, with quick switches between free-spinning hyperfast mode and the precise ratcheted mode. Plus, you can tilt the scroll wheel left and right for even more button options.
Specs at a Glance:
G502 X
Mouse Orientation: Right
Mouse Buttons: 13
Optical Tracking with HERO 25K sensor
16000 DPI
CPI Range: 100 – 16000
Max Tracking Speed: 400In/Sec
Weight: 89g
G502 X Lightspeed
Mouse Orientation: Right
Mouse Buttons: 13
Optical Tracking with HERO 25K sensor
25,600 DPI
CPI Range: 100 – 25,600
Max Tracking Speed: 400In/Sec
Weight: 102g
Battery Life: 140 Hours
Our Hands-On Quick Review:
When we got the wired G502 X and Lightspeed models in, we let two G502 fans play with the upgraded models. Here’s what they had to say:
@Rich_CGR - G502 X
I’ve been using the original G502 for several years now, so I was expecting a bit of a transition period when making the jump to the G502 X, but after going 3 for 3 in Valorant, it was clear it was going to be an easy upgrade.
The G502 X is remarkably similar to the G502, but with some subtle-but-serious quality of life improvements. Most noticeably, it’s way lighter. Of course, mouse weight is a personal preference, but I found myself flicking my reticle around noticeably faster, which is great for a game as quick as Valorant. The side buttons – M4, M5 – feel way more accessible and comfortable. On the original G502, I would occasionally hit them in the middle of a frenetic fight, but G502 X keeps them just out of accident range but were absolutely still there when I needed them.
On the whole, the G502 X delivers a more comfortable grip than its predecessor and the reduced weight makes it a beast in twitch shooters.
@Vitamin – G502 X Lightspeed
Coming from the original G502 Lightspeed, the G502 X Lightspeed feels considerably lighter. While it took me a bit to adjust to the weight difference, I can absolutely recommend the X model to anyone who prefers a lighter mouse. It’s also a bit wider than older generations of the G502, making it a great choice for folks with bigger hands who have struggled with tiny mice in the past.
After a bit of adjustment, I started to play with some more of the smaller features of the G502 X Lightspeed, like the swappable DPI-Shift – or “sniper” - button. I really like the idea of a moddable mouse, and the G502 X does a great job, offering a slimmed-down “sniper,” if you prefer a low profile. The scroll wheel feels quieter and more responsive, and the wireless dongle has a really clever hiding place on the bottom of the mouse.
There are a lot of people out there who are going to use the G502 X Lightspeed and immediately fall in love with it for its light weight, slightly larger size, and ease of use.
Both the G502 X and G502 X Lightspeed are now in stock at Micro Center. If you’re still not sure which one is right for you, stop by your local Micro Center and one of our associates will be happy to help!
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