Problem using two monitors with a new PowerSpec B734

I have a strange problem with my standard PowerSpec B734 which works perfectly fine with the LG 32UD 60 monitor bought with the computer and connected to the single HDMI port.

When I attach a second monitor - a Dell P2715 Qt - to the DVI port using a DVI-HDMI dongle as the B734 has only one HDMI port - the Dell shows as the main monitor and I am unable to designate the two monitors as one so I can move windows around the two. I have previously done this successfully with an older PowerSpec G212 and the Micro Center people in the store said this should work.

When I switch the two HDMI cables, the Dell STILL shows as the main monitor and I can’t get my cursor over to the LG. I want to designate the LG as monitor #1 but the usual “Identify Monitors” always shows the Dell as #1 and says the second monitor “cannot be found”.

This makes no sense as Windows 11 is quite clear about the ability to share monitors. I don’t think this is a limitation of either monitor; is it possible the B734 Radeon Graphics card is unable to handle this scenario?

Any help is most welcome!


  • Hello again.

    I did more trouble-shooting and this gets even weirder:

    1. I disconnected power to the monitors and the PC.
    2. On re-powering everything, on start-up, no matter how I connect the two monitors, the Dell is designated as #1! Yes, somehow the B734 thinks the Dell should be the #1 whether it is connected to the native HDMI port or HDMI via the dongle to the DVI port! How can this be?
    3. And, while some programs launch on the LG (only possible from the Dell), I can do nothing with any program showing on the LG since the screens are not extended and the cursor will not move to the LG. The only difference I could see is that while the monitors both have the same resolution, the LG's refresh rate at 59.94 Hz is twice that of the Dell. Could this have anything to do with it?
    4. Trying different HDMI cables made no difference.
    5. Once either is disconnected, the other works normally.
    6. Surely this must have something to do with the B73,4 or its Motherboard, or the AMD Graphics card. I saw a post on this forum about problems with the ASROC A320M-HD; however mine has the ASROC A520M-HDV so I am not sure it is affected?

    I bought two identical B734s for my two homes so everything would work the same. I am now 1,000 miles away for my home store in St.Davids, PA so going there is not an option.

    Does Micro Center monitor this Community board? Do they have any ideas?

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    edited October 2022


    It sounds like the panels are just backwards. Right click on your desktop and select "Display Settings". You can drag and drop the monitors to change the order. Screenshot this page if you could. It might make more sense if we can see it.

  • I looked into the motherboard specifically and it looks like the DVI port on the A520M is not capable of 4k video output (at least at 60hz), so unless the DVI to HDMI adapter you are using is capable of upscaling then I'm surprised both monitors are showing up at all in any scenario. So unfortunately, while the integrated graphics on the 5700G is capable of dual 4k 60hz monitors, it appears your motherboard is not. I assume the use of the adapter is also confusing the system which is most likely while you are seeing some weird behavior.

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