Water cooling brand recommendations for a powerspec g470

I few months ago I purchased a Powerspec g470 from the Microcenter in my area. When gaming for an extended period of time, the room temperature raises above 73 degrees and the computer starts making a loud, high pitched, tone. This tone will cease and allow me to keep using the computer, if I put a tower fan directly in front of the intake and put it on high. Understandably, I'm under the impression that the cooling systems of this computer are insufficient. While I am looking at making another room in my house wired for internet (one that is better ventilated), 73 degrees isn't a temperature that I would call unreasonable for a room temp. While I'm an arctic vampire that keeps his office dark and house at 69 degrees year round; most of humanity likes things warmer than me. Is there a recommended water cooling kit that would be best, specifically for this computer?


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Our testing environment is typically 75F. This sounds like a mechanical component that's creating excess noise based on the temperature and the devices curve. Are you able to tell specifically where this is coming from? Front and rear case fans are potential culprits. PSU fan and the AIO pump are more likely.

  • The next time it happens I can try to locate the source, but it's not something I would describe as a noise based on happen-stance or design, this is like the fire alarm of my house going off. An intentional warning alarm, not just something warping or rubbing. My best guess at this moment is either the motherboard or the GPU are freaking out.

    As the outside temperature is going down (as we proceed further into autumn), most days I can keep my window open to exhaust hot or draw in cold and this doesn't occur. But the range of temps that this has happened has been between 71 and 75 degrees in my home office. My concern is next summer when this isn't an option.

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    There's no alarm, if you hit TJMax it would just shut off which isn't a danger with this cooler. Coil whine can sound like what you're describing, but coil whine is caused by vibrations. Power consumption is the trigger, a few degrees in temp change shouldn't trigger a suddenly noticeable coil whine. I'll pull up your order in the morning, go over the components on the build and see what I can figure out. If you're able to record the sound next time, that would help as well.

    It does sound like an alarm. If the board were triggering this it would play through a case speaker which the system doesn't have. Do you have any temperature monitoring software on the system that has an alarm set?

    As for cooler upgrades. The chassis will support a 280, I'd probably go with something like an NZXT X63 or the Corsair H115. However this should not be necessary. We test in a 'normal' ambient air temp, but we do stress the system to full load and verify that our customers won't be experiencing issues in any reasonable environmental conditions.

  • Is there any maintenance needed for the G470 cooling system?

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    No, it's a closed loop AIO. If the fans fail they can be replaced with almost any 3 pin 120MM fan. If the pump itself fails, replace the AIO.

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