New CPU with High temp, need help

I recently upgraded my AMD Ryzen 5 5600X to an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor and its has been burning really hot ever since I installed it. The When ever I boot up the PC I would check the temp really fast and see that it was at 70 Celsius and then eventually go down to around 50C while idle but whenever I open chrome, YouTube, or just swap between tabs or videos it would go up to like 68C, and I did apply Thermal paste before using it. The worst part is that I can play any game because when I booted up Minecraft it spike up to 80C just from opening the game. My old CPU never went this high on ANY of these things so what is going on and what do I do, do I bring it to micro center?

Specs -

  • Motherboard: TUF GAMING B550-PLUS (WI-FI)
  • DRAM (32GB & 2666)
  • Current CPU installed: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
  • Graphics Card: RTX 3080Ti
  • BIOS ver.2423


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    You'll need to upgrade your cooler for the new CPU. The 5600X default TDP is 65W. The Wraith Stealth cooler is a 65W TDP cooler. No problem. However, the 5900X's default TDP is 105W. The Wraith Stealth is inadequate for the 5900X. The Wraith Max is 105W TDP and would be alright, however I'd recommend upgrading to a 240/280/360mm AIO depending on what your case supports.

    With Ryzen 5000 series, thermals effect performance. PBO will boost the clock speed so long as it has either thermal or power headroom. With the 5900/5950X and their core counts power does become the limiting factor with heavy multicore loads.

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