Future Proofing or Overkilling
I'm building a gaming pc for my friend for the first time.
I have no former experience in building. The monitor will be QHD, 170 Hz.
All I know is I want to make a future-proof build as much as possible.
1800 $ is my upper limit but I'm planning to buy another set of 8 GB RAMs later.
Cannot edit links so please refer to the PDF attached.
Thanks and have a nice day
Hi @Alpin_NJ,
Welcome to the community! The reason you can't upload links is because you don't have a profile picture uploaded. Once you do that, you will be able to put links in your posts.
Here is an updated list for your build that I came up with
I made a few minor changes, the biggest one being that you need an 850w power supply to run a RTX 3080. A 750W would would have problem when you put the GPU and CPU under full load. You also don't need the thermal paste because the cooler already comes with thermal paste included.
Let me know if this helps.....
Your build is already a very balanced build, but I would suggest to cut down on mobo+ram and spend more on psu. I would suggest that it is better to use z690+ddr4 as there is still no significant advantage over ddr5 vs ddr4 while you would spend double for ddr5 ram and mobo, and also it is better to stay at z690 because intel has a bad history on socket lifespan and it wouldn't be surprise if intel decide to change socket on their 14th gen cpus.
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