LianLi lancool III Tg black rgb missing motherboard screws

I purchased this tower and the box didn't have any sticker on it saying that it has been previously but after opening it and fitting the motherboard in, I found that I never got the motherboard screws. It seems like I didn't get a whole package of screws from reading the manual. Is there an option where i cam come in during open hours to just pick up what im missing or would i have to return it? 


  • Hi @Vanga414

    So sorry to hear that you don't have the screws required for your case.

    I looked at your purchase history and I'm not seeing that you've purchased any open-box items from us. This would typically mean that the screws are hiding inside the case somewhere. Often times they may be hiding in a hard drive bay or in the recessed panel at the bottom of the case. I'd recommend double-checking just to be certain you haven't missed them.

    I'd recommend checking the box that the computer case came in as well.

    If you're not able to find the screws, we'd have to ask you to bring the case back in and we'd be happy to offer an exchange. The specific accessory kits that come with cases are unique to each case, so sadly we wouldn't have any spares to be able to offer you.

    Hopefully, they are just being sneaky in the case, but if not, we're happy to help you!

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