Does LG Slim Portable DVD Writer GP65NS60 work with Windows 11
I bought the above DVD Writer at Micro Center in Brentwood & need to return it in 4 days if this DVD Writer does not work with Windows 11.
Thank you
Check "Device Manager". Right click on the "Windows" icon and select "Device Manager". Does it appear under CD\DVDRW? Is there anything under "Other Devices"?
There is no CD\DVDRW or "Other Devices under "Device Manager" on my laptop. I have a new Dell Inspiron 16 from Micro Center. The OS is Windows 11. I am just trying to find out if this new LG Slim Portable DVD Writer will work with Windows 11. The box does not mention Windows 11.
I'm not seeing why this drive would not, it's a plug and play device. Do you plug it in and not get any response from the drive?
It certainly should but ASUS makes one that we sell for 34.99 that is explicitly compatible with Windows 11.
Similar here, I tried connecting my GP65NS60 to my Windows 11 Pro PC and nothing my Macbook worked and I just copied it to the shared network drive. Still super pain let me know if anyone finds a solution.
Manufacturer states Windows 11. It's a generic inbox driver, it should work. If the DVD player has a pigtail with two USB connectors, make sure you connect both.
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