Picked up a 7900 XTX that may be defective, what are the options?

Short version is the card is running 110+c within minutes completely stock. No artifacts or crashing. Confirmed in game GPU temps and Hwinfo. I reached out the manufacturer to advise but wanted to check in here. Warranty shows I would have to pay RMA shipping cost on a card I bought new yesterday which sucks. I love the card otherwise.

How are replacement\exchanges handled? I'd like another 7900 XTX but these are out of stock of course. Chat mentioned management might be able to help. I don't live where I purchased the card and commuting to speak to someone who may be slammed or not accessible given the time of year seems a bit archaic. Thanks all!


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    You can return the card. Contact a manager and ask for an extension on the return/exchange to wait for a replacement to arrive. They should be able to setup a request for contact in tech support and have a manager call you when they're available.

    Regarding the card, I've tested 7900 XTX's here and my experience so far is that the samples we have run cool. I'd almost think whatever tool you're using to read the temp isn't pulling the right sensor. Might be pulling a VRM from the card instead the GPU Core. Which program are you using, and which specific model is the card?

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