Computer Hardware

I just purchased the HP OfficeJet Pro 8025e printer last month. I had an Epson that was 18 years old (don't laugh). When I inserted legal size paper in the drawer yesterday, the drawer would not close fully. I called the Help Chat which sucked. Then after speaking with several other useless people and bots, I finally got to a person who I though could help as he said he was the printer tech person. He did not know why the drawer did not close when filled with legal paper and this information is not in the manual. He had me do a video call so he could look at the printer drawer inside. This was a first. That came out with nothing. Then he wanted me to turn the printer over so he could see the bottom. I refused. YIKES...... He finally had me print with part of the paper try out and the printer work. Is this how the OfficeJet printer works when printing legal paper or is there something wrong with the drawer? When I hold legal paper over the printer from front to back, it appears legal paper should be able to be inside the tray with the door closed. PLEASE HELP! Thank you


  • PowerSpec_KenJ
    PowerSpec_KenJ PowerSpec Engineer
    Fourth Anniversary 5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Likes

    I looked this up and saw some other users with the same issue. The only suggestion I can see is to make sure the tray is extended. There is a lever in the front of the paper tray. This may not extend it enough as the image from HP shows only a small extension, but I hope this might help:

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