How can I fix this Audio error.

edited July 2023 in General Discussion

My headphones appear as speakers Realtek (R) audio when I plug them into my PC, I am 99% sure that is supposed to be the case but even though it shows that I still hear nothing. I have downloaded every driver I was supposed too and deleted them all too. I am struggling to figure out the solution to this and would like some help. Another thing to state is this happened right after I had restarted my PC earlier this morning right before that restart audio was working.


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Normal to show up like that with soft ports, which is likely the issue here. Go into apps and features, remove the Realtek High Definition Audio Driver package. Reboot. Test the audio again and see it if works on the generic HD Audio driver. If so, you can reinstall the latest Realtek driver for your board.

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