Exchanging incorrectly bought Fans that were on Sale?

Hello, last week I purchased 3 single - individual Bitspower Notos o120 Fans which were on Sale.

To my surprise, I liked them so much that I decided to purchase a bunch more (especially, since I also needed the controllers that can only be had by getting the 3/5 Packs.)

Well upon returning home, I realize that the fans in the 3 and 5 Packs aren't the same fans that I had just purchased (Singles), even though they have the same name and model name.

Bitspower sells 2 different Fans with the exact same name.

So as I am preparing to head on out to take another trip (New Jersey to Brooklyn NY), I decided to go online and check to see if Microcenter had something else and sure enough, I see that these Fans are no longer on Sale! 

So my question is: Would it be possible if Microcenter allowed me to exchange these incorrectly bought fans for the proper ones and also, be able to grant me the Sale price on the fans that I should have bought in the first place even though the Sale for that product (and the ones that I'm returning) is now (as of just yesterday) no longer on Sale?

Thank you for your time!


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