Hi all,
I need help on sorting out my confusion on the two platforms. I want to build a 2 user rig in Unraid server to run two Windows VMs for creative works i.e 3D/2D designs, graphic design, photo and video editing and some moderate rendering. I do not intend to run any dockers, the rig is PURELY FOR CREATIVES. I have the GPU figured out; RTX 3070 /3060 (depending of budget) and GTX 1660. My budget is $1,700 - 1,900.
I initially had been settled on the AMD Ryzen 7 5800x but then came the new Intel 12th and 13th Gen processors. Been doing research on which is best which leaves me even the more confused. I ask pretty please if anyone could suggest which platform would be best and reasons why. I'm eyeing the i5 12600k for intel or AMD R9 5900x or R7 5800x-i've picked these due to budget limits. Also suggest the best motherboard for each.
Thanks in advance, I'll very much appreciate.😊
Of the CPU's you mentioned, 5900X. The multicore performance will be beneficial for what you're doing. 12600K isn't on the same level, but if you're considering the i9 12900K/KF that's a good alternative to the 5900X.
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