How to load Windows 11 on a new build?
New Build
while loading windows 11 I'm stuck at the connect to internet page. What needs an update? I have no way of updating with windows as it hasn't fully loaded.
ASUS Prime Z790 A WiFi how do I load drivers without Windows 11 ?
New Build
while loading windows 11 I'm stuck at the connect to internet page. What needs an update? I have no way of updating with windows as it hasn't fully loaded.
ASUS Prime Z790 A WiFi how do I load drivers without Windows 11 ?
Easiest way is this:
- Shift + F10
- Type 'cd oobe' and press enter.
- type 'bypassnro.cmd' and prress enter.
System will reboot, give you the option that you don't have an internet connection. Then you can setup a local account and loading your drivers.
Try hitting Ctrl-Shift F3 to get it into "Audit Mode" it will reboot and then when it comes up Armory Crate should automatically launch and install that driver. Then select the "Reboot" in the Audit mode window sitting in the middle of the screen, it will boot back into Out of Box Experience, and you should be able to go from there.
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