BIOS update question

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I bought a TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS WIFI from a Micro Center at the end of summer last year. I'm not very up to date on release so when I heard new GPU's and CPU's were coming I decided to hold off on the build until then WHEN I found out the new CPU's would fit in the old boards. I didn't know they would need a BIOS flash to run and I don't have a useable CPU to do the update. Can the service desk provide that service for a fee?

Best Answer

  • Aodhan_Gorman
    Aodhan_Gorman ✭✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Up Votes 5 Insightfuls
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    The service department does offer a service to update the bios on your motherboard. It is a nominal fee of $29.99 but make sure you bring in your board early in the day because depending on how busy the microcenter near you is, it may take some time for the service department to complete this. I would also suggest you contact your store's service department to see if would prefer you bring in just the board or the entire build as well.


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