Adding additional ROMs / Games to the Atari Fightstick Raspberry Pi 3B+
Hoping you could help a dad who's trying to add more games to the fightstick. Bought the version with Raspberry Pi already installed.
I'm not the most tech savy person, so hoping to get help from someone who's already succeeded in doing this. Hoping not to have to wipe the existing RetroPie image away, but willing to do that if it's the only way.
Thanks so much.
This information should be able to assist you in transferring over ROMs for RetroPie.
Thank you Ian. I appreciate it. The process outlined did work for transferring ROMS. Of course only about 40% of them worked, but a great start :-)
I'm guessing that part of the problem is the ROMs themselves or maybe compatibility of the ROM vs the Emulator. Do you know if the folder I put them in have a bearing? I put them all in the Arcade folder.
Per retropie documentation, it should be
folder, where $CONSOLE is the name of the target console, e.g.snes
So it sounds like you have them in the proper location.
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