Ryzen 7900x crashes my PC

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After a month of using Ryzen 7900X with Asus B650E-F motherboard, I have faced some issues when started playing Anno 1800.

Before I started playing Anno 1800, my computer worked fine without any issues. Even so when playing other games, only Anno 1800 is crashing my computer.

Now even when sitting on desktop, it will restart itself randomly.


The crash is weird... it behaves as if someone hit the power button/reset switch, more details below:

1) By checking event viewer, no "error" or "critical" items are shown before the "unexpected shut down".

2) By checking reliability history, the only error shown is "unexpected shut down" as well, no other details.

3) Motherboard's bios is updated to the latest, bios version 1222.

4) AMD Expo settings on AUTO, Profile 1 and Profile 2.

5) I have tried using a 1660TI for GPU testing.

6) I have tried swapping out the PSU for PSU testing.

7) Memtest86 and windows mem test returns no error.


Things that I tried that seem to be working:

1) I have manually set voltage and CPU frequency to 1.25V and 5.4Ghz. It no longer crashes every time, but still does sometimes.

2) I have tried setting PBO to use Motherboard's specification. I no longer crashes from idling, but still crashes from Anno.


I am all out of ideas, and my return period is already passed.

For any Microcenter representative, the Ryzen 7900x bundle was bought from my local Microcenter store.

If no solution can be found, will Microcenter still accept the return request? The bundle was bought on Feb 18, 2023.


  • Updates:

    1) Removed my GPU to see if possibly power limited by my PSU, still crashes on desktop.

    2) Tests my RAM sticks one by one, still crashes. Though no surprises, Mem82 test passed, just for insanity check.

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