How do you contact Microcenter Marketing?


I got a nice surprise today when reading an email from Microcenter thanking me for a purchase and requesting review of two items I DID NOT buy, worth over $1,600!!

Of course my first concern was to check my Microcenter credit card account at Wells Fargo, and thankfully there were no new charges and the balance owed was as expected, $0.00.

It did however motivate me to join the community because I hoped I could learn how to contact marketing to request an investigation into how their system logged a new purchase for me that I definitely did not make. Now if the store was to deliver those items that would be a nice surprise, but I don't need a 32" monitor or gaming chair... :-)



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  • Eric_S
    First Comment
    edited March 2023 Answer ✓

    Microcenter will remove these items, and they suspected it was a simple phone number entry mistake that credited the items to my account.

    I had to ask about the way to contact marketing because they were the ones responsible for sending me the message that alerted me to the items in my account I didn't purchase. And mostly, because Microcenter does not publish any contact numbers to call. And the chat only works during normal business hours, apparently.

    I did a google search and my local store has a number published that is for a different business, but the local Columbus, Ohio area is the home of their corporate offices and that number worked, and was answered live, immediately. They transferred me to national tech support who is working on my concerns.

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