1080p Gaming and Streaming PC

So I would like to build a 1080p PC for $1100 but If I can still save money any recommendations for alternate parts are encouraged. I want to be able to game and livestream with this build and the type of games I want to play are Elden ring, Valorant, and maybe Cyberpunk. The reason I picked these parts is so I could upgrade my CPU and GPU in the future without having to get new parts. The CPU I would upgrade to is 5800x3d and maybe run a 3080, 3090 or a 4000 GPU. The reason I picked this motherboard is for the WIFI because my internet box isn't close by to connect it and it has bios flashback that will let me use the 5800x3d or any other 5000 series CPU. The one thing I feel like I'll need to upgrade later is the power sine 650w probably wont be enough for a 3080, 3090 or a 4000 GPU. I also went with the 1080p 165HZ monitor since my current monitor is like about 10 years old.


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