I have a repair in and am wondering about fixes.

edited May 2023 in General Discussion

The User spilled half of a cup of apple juice onto his PC. The bother board took the brunt of the force. After using a multimeter to run some test, it is clear the mother board is no longer good. My question is this, will i need to replace all the major components like the processor, ram, and gpu? Is it to risky to purchase a new MOBO and test the other components? Could a damaged GPU, CPU or Ram Stick short the new board?

Best Answer

  • PowerSpec_MichaelB
    PowerSpec_MichaelB ✭✭✭✭✭
    25 Answers 5 Insightfuls 500 Comments 5 Up Votes
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    As long as the parts were not powered on during the spill, there is a good chance that they are still fine. You'll want to clean them before attempting to use them though. I'd recommend disassembling and cleaning the memory and GPU PCB with Isopropyl alcohol. You might need to use a heat gun to remove heat spreaders on the memory if they have any. The CPU would be a bit more delicate as you don't want to risk damaging pins if it's an older AMD processor. Try gently moving it around in a bowl of Isopropyl and seeing if any residue remains on the PCB.

    If the system was powered on during the spill, they won't damage the new motherboard (assuming the components are clean and dry) however they may no longer function depending on the extent of the liquid damage.

    If you have a local repair shop that offers ultrasonic cleaning, that might be an option to explore.

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