Upgrading an Alienware Aurora R6
I'm a newbie when it comes to this but I would like to upgrade my HDD to SSD and my RAM. Any recommendations on what I should buy that is compatible for my desktop?
Hey, cheatermouse!
I pulled up Dell's spec page for your computer, I've got it linked below. It looks like you can choose between an M.2 SATA SSD or a more standard 2.5 inch SATA SSD. Since they're both SATA, I would probably go with the 2.5in option simply because they're easier to get ahold of.
According to Dell's site, it only supports a max capacity of 1TB per SSD. You do have multiple slots to work with, however. Historically, I've been able to use larger SATA SSDs on devices that have a listed limit, but your mileage may vary.
A common favorite among the 2.5 inch SSDs is Samsung's 870 EVO. Great performance and reliability for the price.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
It's extremely unlikely there is an actual 1TB limit on the SSD or m.2. Those are likely only the largest sizes available as options when Dell was selling that model. In current reality there are 2TB and 4TB models readily available.
You should check what you have already, because if the m.2 slot is available those are the best deals and easiest to find. But it apparently only has one such slot, so if it is already taken then you need a 2.5 inch SATA type. m.2 is fastly superior in terms of performance so if that slot is open then get that kind.
Likely the maximum configuration available for purchase at the time
Thank you for the help. How about the RAM? Any recommendations?
If you go to www.crucial.com and use their system scanner it will tell you two important details: exactly what speed and type of memory you already have and how many available slot(s) you have to add more. You can either buy directly from them or your local Microcenter carries Crucial brand also along with other brands, just take the speed and type info in to the BYOPC counter. As long as you get the same type at least the same speed (faster will work fine, but not slower) then you are all set.
Thank you!
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