Laptop upgrade?

I have a laptop that is 7 years old and still runs well but freezes occasionally and always says waiting for the cache. The hard drive needs to be replaced because of a bad sector and I was wondering if I could replace the CPU as well. It is an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz  2.60 GHz. I can't afford a new laptop for now so this is my only choice. Is it possible to replace my CPU?

Thanks, everybody in advance


  • Vaganza
    Vaganza ✭✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 Likes 5 Answers

    Most Laptop CPUs are integrated directly to the motherboard, I say MOST because there are a few exceptions, and in many cases they are older models where you would need to be able to get a hold of a CPU that is several generations old. The hard disk is more that likely able to be changed out, however. What model notebook is it?

  • Scary_Guy
    Scary_Guy ✭✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Insightfuls 5 Likes

    Depending on the model, you can possibly get a replacement motherboard for the same type of laptop with newer/better specs. But at that point you really might as well just get a new laptop anyway, as the cost generally isn't that cheap for those.

  • Good afternoon @Bigguy66

    Thank you for contacting micro center. So for this what the previous posts mention is correct as many of the laptop the CPU will be built in to the motherboard itself. to verify this for sure you may want to check the manufacturer website as they should have service manuals for the laptop letting you know how to upgrade it if it can be. You can also bring the system in store as well and we can take a look at it to see what options we may have for this. the other concern would be if it is upgradable the 6000 series processor are no longer made so finding one that can be used for this will be very difficult

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