POWERSPEC G470 Fixed Via Warranty - Is This Really an "Upgrade"?

POWERSPEC G470 had issues. Got it fixed via warranty after 6 months.

Location: CHICAGO

Parts that were swapped that I'm confused about:

Prior: Nvidia 3080TI

Replacement: Nvidia 4070 (non TI!)

I was told that the 3080TI's were not in stock so they had to "upgrade". I am seeing on a benchmark that it is way worse for 4k gaming (which I do). Was this a downgrade?

How do I go about figuring out why I got a worse GPU? Is there a way to return this GPU and get at least my 3080ti again?


  • JeremyS
    JeremyS ✭✭
    10 Comments First Answer First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hello, that does honestly seems like a downgrade in my experience. I would try and go back and see if they can swap it out for a 4070ti. A 4080 would be too much of an overkill and youd probably need a new powersupply.

    You should ask for a powerspec replacement that contains a 3080ti if theyre in stock or if they put in a 4070 because they didnt have 4070 ti, you may have to wait until they can source one. The 3080 ti does out perform the 4070 very slightly but the answer for warranty products is not a downgrade if replacement parts arent avalible, it should be an upgrade or equivalent.

    Can easily lookup benchmarking videos such as this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOn-rpWN1BE&ab_channel=MarkPC and the performance is noticeable in frame. You shouldnt settle for a downgrade.

    Best of luck!

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    This is being taken care of by your local store. You should be hearing from them shortly.

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