Need some feedback on a partslist
I'd appreciate some feedback on the following partslist: (Guess I can't post links yet? so www.microcenter DOT com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=2290fb61-2795-4697-9f40-2e90ca67d17e)
I'd like to stick with an NVIDIA GPU as I'll be using their broadcasting software but otherwise Im flexible on brands and series.
Greetings. What is the intended use of the PC and your overall budget?
Gaming and streaming & <$3k though I'd like to stay in the $2-2.3k range for comfort.
Based on what I see on your parts list, the only real issues I would see is that there is no operating system selected, and I would advise to get bit a higher-end air cooler at least for your processor choice, you could jump up to something like for $30 more.
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