Possible to Upgrade PC at Purchase?


I am looking to buy a new gaming PC this summer and the PowerSpec computers (ie G513) have met most of my needs within my price range. Bar a few things. I'm wondering if it is possible to upgrade at least few components at purchase, ie the GPU, CPU Cooler and RAM. And what the price, if any, for the upgrades would be?

Best Answer

  • Vaganza
    Vaganza ✭✭✭✭
    First Anniversary 5 Likes 5 Insightfuls 5 LOLs
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    Labor for the RAM would be free for sure, Labor on the Cooler typically runs $79, and you may be able to get the GPU labor at no additional labor cost. However, you cannot swap the components, you have to buy them and the old components will be given to you at the end as well.

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